Chapter 4: Visiting Where It All Started

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Inside a Dark Eagle Transport, Near Valean Airspace

3rd Person POV

3 days has passed since General Ironwood and the two Atlas Councilors went to Arcadia for negotiations. After the meeting, the Forrest Family held a family meeting regarding if Jaune should visit Beacon or not. Some were against it, but overall, they agreed to do so, but not without a security detail. His own harem joined him as they want to talk with most of the students in Beacon. Austen and some of his wives will come later than him. Right now, he's holding hands with two of his girls. One of them has pale skin, light silver-blue eyes with sky blue pupils, very light waist-length pale blue hair styled in a hime cut in front, wearing the standard military uniform; and the other one has fair skin, amethyst eyes with oval-shaped pupils backed by a shape resembling her own stiletto, waist-length purple hair that turns to silver-purple at the ends, also wearing the standard military uniform. These two are Keqing and Kamisato Ayaka, both 2nd Lieutenants of the Marine Corps. They seem to be calming Jaune down as he felt really nervous.

Keqing: Just breathe in and breathe out, Jaune.

Ayaka: Everything will be fine. We promise.

Jaune's nervousness fades away as he smiles at the two holding his hands.

Jaune: Thanks, ladies. I really needed that. After everything I've been through, I never thought I'd come back here.

Keqing: Well. It's like what you said. Every journey brings you back to the place you've started it. So you coming back here is fate.

Jaune: I suppose you're right. It is fate that I come back here.

Ayaka: Now stay here and relax. I'll go check on the pilot.

Jaune nods as Ayaka stood up and went to the cockpit to ask how long until they arrive.

Ayaka: How long until we reach our destination, pilot?

DEP (Dark Eagle Pilot): 7 minutes. We just entered Valean Airspace a couple moments ago. Sit tight, ma'am. We're almost there.

Ayaka nods as she sat back down with Jaune. Needless to say, everyone in Beacon is going to have the shock of their life (or lives, in Ozpin's case) when they see Jaune again.

Timeskip, 7 minutes later

Beacon Academy, Vale

Ruby Rose POV

It's been... 7 months now, I think? I lost count, really. Anyway, it's been a long time since we last heard of Jaune. Last we heard of him was that he was training in the Emerald Forest. When I heard that the Headmaster was going to send out search parties for him, I joined in along with Pyrrha, Coco, and Cardin. When we arrived at his last known location, what we only saw was his shield and scroll. Pyrrha broke down as Coco and I was sobbing, and Cardin was lamenting on what he's done. When we got back to Beacon, I went and punched that ice bitch in the gut then her face. That's right, I dealt with her bitch ass. And I ain't the young sweet girl that everyone knows anymore. Despite her actions however, she's still my teammate; much to my and my friends' dismay. Days pass, and I left my old attitude behind and focused more on being a leader. I even used my money saved from all the swear jars for two swords; a way to honor Jaune. Blake and Yang were surprised when I had my change, but they knew the reason why I changed. Half of Beacon still believes that Jaune doesn't belong here. While the other half now believes in him after they regretted their actions towards him. During these 7 months, I've been closer to my fellow leaders Pyrrha, Coco, and Cardin. All four of us are taking classes both in leadership and battle tactics. Out of the four of us, I've shown the most improvement, with Cardin coming in close by.

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