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Chapter 4

I was in the middle of walking when suddenly i hear a screetch of a car.

I looked back and saw nikolai got out of his BMW. Damn, that's attractive.

Nikolai really looks so attractive and very hot, when i mean hot VERY hot. I think he's a 6 footer too. I think my height is up to his chest only! My type.

I walked over to him while he's leaning onto his car.

"Need a ride miss?" He said jokingly.

I just rolled my eyes at him and tried to open the door of his passenger seat but it's locked.

I walked then stood in front of him then put my hands on the side of my waist. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"What now?Aren't we going to have breakfast?" I said in an annoyed manner.

"We are not... actually." He said then tried to smiled at me.

I stomped my feet and glared at him telling him that i was getting annoyed.

"Then why the hell did you text me that!?" Ugh, i hate him!

"Come on stop pretending, i already know you ate breakfast with my parents." He chuckled then i heard a 'click' sound.

I flipped my hair then opened the door and sat on the passenger seat.

When he was finally inside i quickly asked him.

"So where are we going?" I looked at him while he's putting his seatbelt. I heard the 'click' sound of it.

"We are going to...," My eyes grew big when he leaned to my position. Our faces were so close! I gulped.

We're so close to the point that i could kiss his face!He looked at me directly in the eyes and my heart beats faster than it already was.

He was looking at my eyes then looked at my lips. But then he snapped my seatbelt. He moved away and my cheeks were already blushing. I hid my face using my long hair. My gosh alexandria! It's just the seatbelt!

"Lightcrest," He answered after a while.

So that's we're going? It's fine it's nearby their mansion so it's close! I wouldn't be locked up inside with him for too long.

While the car was driving i was getting bored so I lowered down the car's window and put my face outside.

After a while I started to get bored again so i started touching his stuff inside the car. And what the actual fuck, Oh my god... there's a condom here!why is it so many!?AND WHAT!?XXL!?so.... he's big?Oh my god it's gonna hurt if we do it!I almost forgot that we're going to get married for fuck sake!I heard that consummation is what seals the marriage so if we don't do it...the marriage might be broken?

My mind started drifting into something else so i turned on the music so i could relax but then it started playing 34+35!!!what the hell!

I leaned on the car's seat and sighed heavily. He looked at me with curiosity but i just glared at him so he can focus on driving. He looked away immediately.

My heart is literally beating so fast right now. Erase, erase, erase, relax your mind andria.

I even inhaled and exhaled so i wouldn't think nasty stuff anymore!

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