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Chapter 7

"HEY! Please would you talk to me nik? Don't be mad na..." I said clinging into his arms.

He didn't looked at me and kept cooking. He drove me here back into his house again after that moment with nicolas. Gosh! Why is he like this!?

Kanina i asked him to bring me my bag that i PURPOSELY left, but he just did it without complaining. After that i asked him to massage my feet and he did it without complaining! I even asked him to make me food, which is what he's doing now but still! He did all that without looking at me in the eyes or even talking to me! I know he's jealous right now so i'm literally doing anything so he could look and talk to me.

Ugh! Paano ba sumuyo!? Kaunti na lang ay baka ako pa ang magtampo sakanya!

"I'm sorry na kasi.... I wasn't even planning to ride with him in the first place!" I said and my eyes sparkle because he now looked at me. Finally! He looked!

"Really?" Sabi niya pero matutunugan na may pait sa boses niya. Halatang ayaw maniwala sa sinasabi ko.

"I promise!" I said and kissed his cheek. His eyes widen and suddenly his ears are red and he's biting his cheeks to stop himself from smiling.

I smiled then chuckled. Hinawakan ko ang tenga niyang namumula.

"Why are these red? Huh?" I asked him. Nang aasar.

"Go away, i'm mad at you remember?" He said but i know he's bluffing because he's trying not to smile!

"Really? You're mad at your soon-to-be-your-wife?" I asked him. He looked at me and his eyes widen at what i just said. He smiled at me then pulled my waist so i could get closer to him. I wrapped around my arms onto his neck.

Sandali pa kaming nagkatitigan dalawa at tsaka niya ako hinalikan. His kiss was definitely passionate and sweet. I love the fact that he nevers take it too 'spicy' when we are kissing he's contented and happy about it and i like that about him.

We stopped kissing and it made a smooch sound. We both chuckled. We both heard a beeping sound so we immediately looked where it was coming from. Oh no! The food!
Aish! Puro kasi kalandian ayan tuloy!

"Fuck......" Bulong niya at napakamot sa ulo. Nasunog na yung food! Huhuhuhuhu.

"I'm sorry alex, I'll just order food for us." He said trying to make it up to me. I would definitely like his food that he cooked but it's burnt now. I feel sad about it so he hugged me then kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry love," He said and it made my heart beat faster than it already was.

"It's okay...." I said then nodded with a dissapointed face. Narinig ko namang napabuntong-hininga siya.

"What do you want? I'll order." He asked me.

"Uhm...." Napaisip naman ako ng malala! Kaldereta na lang kaya? Mukhang masarap 'yon eh! Kaso mahilig din ako sa sabaw... tinola na lang kaya? Ay! Alam kona! Adobo na lang!

"How about adobo? I think i want to eat that." I said in a cute voice then pouted. He chuckled at my gesture then nodded.

Agad naman siyang kumilos at kung ano ano ang pinagpipindot sa cellphone niya. Di ko maiwasan na mapatingin sa mga kamay niya kung kukumparahin mo sa akin ay ang laki non at medyo maugat rin. Sakop na sakop niya rin ang cellphone na hawak niya. Feeling ko ay kayang kaya niya 'yong durugin ng walang kahirap hirap! Ang s-sexy rin ng mga daliri niya mahahaba ito at talagang lalaking-lalaki...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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