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Chapter 5
(A/N:I don't know if the said translations are right but please do correct me, because i'm going to start putting different languages here in the upcoming chapters as my characters have different ethnicity, thank you.)


"Are you out of your mind lorcan!? that's our child!How can you say something like that!?" I heard my mom shouts while i was busy scrolling with my phone. I stood up and ran just outside their room.

"Mamà?" I asked but no one answered. I went to put my ears closer to the door then i heard like a sound of a vase shattered.

My eyes grew big and started banging their bedroom door.

"Tya ne e orŭzhie, Lorkan! Ne mozhesh da ya izpolzvash kato neshto!" What?what did she mean by that?
[Translation: She's not a weapon, lorcan!You cannot use her like a thing!]

"Mamà! Open the door!" I was literally panicking.

"Just listen to me for once! This is a good idea audette!" I heard my dad's voice.

"You don't know what you're talking about!"  My mom shouted.

I'm getting worried that my dad will hurt mom. Please, get out of there mamà.

I keep turning the knob but it just wouldn't open. They stopped shouting for a moment so i was about to turn the door knob but it opens and papà comes out of the room.

"What did you do to mamà!?" I said angrily.

I looked at him with anger in my eyes but he just looked at me like i'm just a nuisance.

I hate you papà.

I completely walked past against him and entered the room and there i saw her sitting at the floor crying her eyes out. I even saw the vase shattered on the floor.

"kakvo stana mamo?" I said worried.
[Translation:What happened mom?]

"Otgovori mi mamo, molya te." She didn't said anything but kept crying so i just hugged her and caresses her back.
[Translation:Answer me mom, please."]

"Shush, it's alright." I kept saying things so she could calm down but she just wouldn't stop.

After a while she calmed down and started talking on what happened.

"Your dad wants to have your wedding next week, he's accelerating it." My mom started. I just stared at her and didn't say anything.

Why would dad want that? isn't it already enough that i'm going to get married without my consent?

"I've told him that you didn't want this in the first place," She cried more. And so my heart aches for her.

"Sŭzhalyavam andriya, toĭ prosto ne me poslusha." My mom said over and over again saying sorry for the things that papà did.
[Translation: I'm sorry andria, he just wouldn't listen to me.]

Mariin akong napapikit at niyakap siya.

"It's alright mamà, it's alright." I said assuring her. Only then i realize i was crying when i felt my tears dripping down my cheeks.

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