Chapter 17: Transformation Day

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I was moving. well, I wasn't moving, but my body was. I was being carried, and by the sounds around me, I couln't tell what my form of transportation was. I heard wind moving at rapid speeds as it hit my throbbing body, and strong arms held me close to a warm chest covered by a jacket. Some weird flapping noise could be heard all around me, when I remembered everything that's happening...

I'm in the air.

I'm flying.

Memories flew through my mind, and I groaned at the intensity of the pain that pulsed throughout my body. My head was pounding as if someone was playing drums on my skull.

"Hang on, Skye, baby, I won't let anything happen to you." It was Shad's distressed voice. He must be the person carrying me.

I remembered Matthew, the one who took away my pain. So much for that...

"How long have I been out?" I moaned in agony. Pain shot up my spine, and I cried out.

"I know it hurts, Skye, please hold on. Matthew is building an army. You've been out for three hours." He let out in one breath, sounding scared. "Matthew said you would be in and out for the next 24 hours, but now 21. At the end, well..."

He choked on his words, and I couldn't find the energy to push him further to finish what he was going to say. I couldn't stop grunting and groaning, wriggling my body so I could escape Shad's arms. I felt so claustrophobic, worse than I've ever felt in my life.

"I'" I groaned.

"I know, Skye, I know, please be okay..." He started to mutter, more to himself. I felt us dive toward the ground, and my stomach turned.

"Ugh..." I groaned when we landed, but the place cooled me down. We landed in what looked to be a patch of snow. Shadoe set me down, then leaned over me looking intensely at the ground. He melted the snow with his hands. I smirked a little. Was he the reason I was feeling hot?

"We're here, you'll be safe until your final transformation." He told me gently, placing me on the grass under his feet.

"Yeah? You said the same thing last time." I looked at him through the sliver of my eyelids too see him giving me a look telling me I was making him want to cry.

"They felt your presence there, your power was getting too strong, they sensed you immediately..." He cut off when I let out another cry of pain as my body arched in pure misery. "Here, the angels put up protection that will last only a few days, but you don't need that much time."

"W-where are we?" I asked, sweat dripping all over my body, including places I didn't know had the ability to sweat.

"La Rinconada, Peru, the highest town above sea level. It was either this or the top of the highest mountain," he told me, smiling sadly at me.

Peru? I moved my head from side to side, but couldn't see much. My sight was blurred. I did notice that it didn't smell too pretty here. But, I probably looked like I haven't showered in about a year, so who am I to judge?

"Ughhhhhh!!!" I groaned, rolling to my side. Shadoe laid beside me, a grabbing my hand in his rough one.

"Sleep, Skye. When you wake up, I promise, it'll be all better." He murmured into my ear. With that, my world went black once more.




I came back to consciousness what seemed like a whole day later to hear,

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