Chapter 11: Confusion

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He kissed me.

It was slow and sweet, not urgent or rough. I used this time to finally run my hands through his hair, like I've wanted to do since I met him. The locks of his hair felt like silk in between my fingers.

It was amazing. I don't know how else to describe the feel of his lips on mine. Maybe it felt like having feathers swiping over my lips.

I know I shouldn't even try to intensify things between us right now, but I felt like I needed it. I needed him.

Wait. What am I thinking? Have I lost it? No.

I gained something from this. I felt loved. Maybe I loved Cameron. Maybe I say. It's not a definite answer. For all I know, this could be a temporary fling between us.

He turned and pressed me against the wall he was originally leaning against. I was pinned under him and one of his hands traveled down my side. It stopped at my hip and slightly went under the hem of my shirt.

I completely disobeyed any thoughts to not do this.

Cameron held his hand firmly on the back of my neck, pressing me closer to him. I dare not move from this spot. He always said to listen to him, right? Well he isn't stopping the kiss, so I won't either. For once, I will listen to the man I swore to myself to never trust.

I opened my mouth slightly against his crashing lips and I touched his bottom lip with my tongue. He didn't accept me at all. Instead his paused the kiss and forcefully pushed me away from him and onto my own bed. I hadn't even realized we'd been moving. He looked away and at the floor.

"What did you do that for?" I asked.

"We can't. I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I just proved a point." He smirked. I crossed my arms and walked closer to him. I put on my most serious expression and looked him in the eyes.

"And what may that be?"

"You're in love."

I scoffed. "I am not!"

"You lie." He winked at me and opened my door. Before leaving, he laid his eyes on me once more. "Not a bad kisser though."

"I hate you! Get out!" I yelled at him. He let out a low laugh and let me be. I couldn't be falling for him. It is impossible. He kept walking, but turned around.

"I knew you'd fall for me," he smirked.

"I'm not falling for you! I just liked wanted to see what it was like to kiss and angel," I shrugged turning my face away from his to hide my obvious blush.

"That's false," he gave me a toothy grin which I saw out of the corner of my eye.

"How old are you?" I asked curiously.

"Thousands of years," he replied as if I was stupid.

"I mean if you were human, how old would you be?" I asked, rolling my eyes at him.

"19 years old, why?" he asked, walking over toward me, smirking slightly as he prowled toward me mischievously.

"Because Astaire wanted to know," I shrugged again, turning around. "And you still haven't answered my question-..." I cut off when he suddenly turned me around crashing my body back to his, brushing a stray hair from my face as his other hand grabbed my waist.

"What question?" he stared intently at me, obviously trying to seduce me. Well let's just say, I was not having any of it.

I pushed him as hard as I could away from me, the familiar tingles when he touched me faded to nothing. It couldn't possibly be love, could it? The sensation just doesn't feel strong enough!

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