Chapter 12

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She laughed. "No darling, you are in a nightmare".

"N-nightmare?" I said confused.

"Well... William was messing with your mind, Niall is not in bed with you, so William took that as a chance to play with your mind".

"Where's Niall?" I said getting scared.

"Don't be afraid... Niall had to get out of the room".

I huffed. "Means?" I said getting annoyed.

"Vampires get mad when they want to have 'something' but their mate don't, like sexual contact... so to protect you, he went downstairs to calm himself down" she said. "Please, act like you don't know" she said then disappeared.



I woke up sitting on the bed and breathed a bit heavily. I wiped the few sweatdrops off of my forehead. I looked around and indeed Niall wasn't there. I got off of the bed and headed out of the room and down the stairs. I checked the living room but he wasn't there nor was he in the dining room. So, I headed to the kitchen and he was there, sitting on the tool and his head in his hands which were rested on the counter.

"Niall?" I whispered, barely auidable for me to hear. 

He snapped his head towards my direction. His eyes. His eyes were mixed with the two colors: Bright red and purple. It was fantastic and so beautiful, but the meaning these two colors held, terrified me. He then turned his head to the other direction.

"Go back upstairs" he calmly demanded.

I stayed still. Afraid to say something and afraid to leave.

"I said go upstairs" he screamed/demanded as I jumped by the sudden out brust.

"No" I finally had the courge to say something.

He slowly turned his head to my direction and this time they were two diferent colors: Purple and... black. He walked towards me and pushed me to the wall hard. His face came closer to mine. His lips were a few inches away from mine.

"What. Did. You. Say?" he dangerously asked.

"N-no" I said as I made eye contact with him.

If I didn't know what black and purple meant, I'd be melting over his eyes. To say I was scared would be a lie. I was terrified of him.

"Wanna repeat that, princess?" he again dangerously whispered.

'Niall fell harder, his love to you is the stronget' Alexandera's voice echoed in my head.

'Nothing will seperate us, nothing will make me stop loving you' I remembered the tattoo.

"You'd never hurt me" I bravely said as I held eye contact with him. "You love me too much to hurt me".

"Say's who?" he amusingly said.

"Me" I said as I grabbed his face and pushed my lips against his.

It took him a few moments to react to the sudden kiss. This kiss was anything but gentel, caring and loving. All what I felt was lust, anger, and despration...

He wrapped his arms around my waist as I was still grabbing his face. He deepened the kiss and for the first time we used tongues... and I can't say but I liked it and I don't regret it.

I pulled away as he still wanted more. I shook my head at him. He opened his eyes and they were back to normal blue.

"W-we can't take this further, I'm not ready" I said/whispered as I put my head down.

He let out a long breath and said "It's alright, whenever you're ready".

I snapped my head up, surprised by the fact that he was calm and... what seemed like... satisfied. He then, kissed me on my lips. A gentel one. Then, he let go of me.

"I'll sleep in the living room tonight... you can have the bed" he said.

'Say something, Zoe!' I thought.

"No" I said/yelled. He lifted his right eyebrow and soon was followed by a smirk. "I-I mean... it's the... I mean... w-what about your nightmares?"

"Right, you're so right" he said and a smirk was still playing on his face.


"You go I'll follow you in a minute" he said as I nodded.

I went upstaires and into the room. 'Stupid' I thought. 'Now he'll think that I'm desprate'. 'No why would he think that ?' I thought. 'Ugh!' I mentally screamed.

I went back to bed and ducked myself in again. I lied around there on my left side, facing the window. Alone. Minutes later, the door opened, I quickly snapped my eyes closed and pretended to be asleep. It took him a minute to come to bed. He instatly wrapped his arms around my waist and his face ducked into the back of my neck.

His breath on my neck was warm. He kissed my neck gentely. "I still didn't mark you... shit I forgot".

'Mark me?' I thought.

"I'll mark you tomorrow" he again said.

'What the hell?! Like burn me? Shit!' I thought.

"You're right" he whispered. "I love you too much to hurt you... too much for my own good".


I know, I know... I didn't update on Friday... well, I wasn't sick, but I didn't feel like updating... I don't know... do ya get this feeling, when ya are emotionly tired and sick of everything? Yeah that what I was feeling... I hope this never happen again, so please forgive me.

This chapter is unedited.

Chapter 12 teaser ::::::::::::::::::》

All the sassy comments on the top of my tongue, ready to get out, but my mind decided to give him 'silent treatment'.

"Say something" after Niall said that, I felt kinda dizzy. Black spots appeared in my sight and all of a sudden, everything went black.


"She'll be alright, she should wake up any minute now" an unfamiliar Irish accent spoke.

"What's wrong with her?" a familiar Irish accent spoke. Niall.


How  do you think Niall will mark her? 


P.S: I will not delete Zayn Malik or/and Perrie Edwards from this story, if you do not like/accept that, then you're free to stop reading my story, if you understand/accept that then I thank you and I really aprreciate it. 

Next Update hopefully on Tuesday.


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