Chapter 14

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"Zoe?... princess?" his voice sounded like a man who is trying to hold the tears in.

Silence. 'Suck that!' I thought. 'How dare you talk to me like that?!'

Then, his phone rang. He huffed and took his phone out and got out of the room. As he left, I started to feel cold. It rained so much outside and the wind could break a huge tree. Chills of coldness started to appear on my skin. Few moments, and I started shaking cause of coldness.

Niall came back. "Alright get up" he demanded.

I turned my head to him looking at him stright in the eyes. I raised my left eyebrow and gave him 'you serouis' look. I rolled my eyes at him and turned my head to the other direction. Suddenly, I was picked up and thrown on his shoulder. For some odd reason, I immediatly felt warm.

"Put me down!" I yelled at him throwing failuer punches on his back.

He opened the door. It was really windy and rainy, but he didn't care and kept walking that soon turned into a vampire-speed-run. Minutes of yelling at him didn't work, so for the sake of my lungs I shutted up. Then, he put me down. At first, I felt a bit dizzy. Then, I realized that we were in the middle of the woods on the top of a meduim-high mountain. I was confused. I  looked at him and he was looking at me.

He raised his hand pointing to his left. I followed it and a tree. A weird looking tree was there. It wood was bluish white and it leaves were dark blue, I turned my gaze to Niall.

"See that tree? You're the first human to ever see it or even know about it!" he said. "Know why?" I shook my head as a 'no'. "Because that tree could kill any vampire! Original or not! One touch and I'll be dead!"

"What's your point?" I carefully said hoping he wasn't planning to do what I thought he would do.

"I'll touch that tree if you don't forgive me! Choose now! It's me alive you happy or me dead you emotionally and spiritually dead!" he said as he headed to the tree.

'He wouldn't do that...' I thought.

"You wouldn't do that!" I said.

"Watch me" he speed-walked to the tree.

His finger was few inches away from the tree. My heart started beating ao fast as I repeated 'he wouldn't' in my mind. But his fingers only got closer. I wanted to scream 'no' but my legs ran to him and my arms automatically wrapped up around his waist and held him so tight like there was no tomorrow. I kept hugging him from the back till he turned around, I thought he was going to give me a lecture but instead he hugged me.

Just when his arms wrapped around I felt... save, better and... worthy. I ducked my face between his neck and shoulder. Couldn't help but to let a few tears slip because the thought of him being dead made my heart sink. Just the thought. For some unknown reason, I wanted him in my life, I needed him.I needed him like I needed oxygen... and that made me scared.

"I knew it... "he whiapered to himself. "I knew you wouldn't let me do it" this time he whispered to me.

I pulled away, but I was still close enough to feel his warm breath on my face. His hair was brown due to the rain and his eyes never failed to impress me, his shirt was soaked with water and the rain-drops dropped off of his hair and fell onto my face, all what I was thinking about was a kiss. As he got closer to my face, his eyes travelled from my lips to my eyes and from my eyes to my lips, as I did the same. His lips were less than an inch from mine when a loud voice inturreped us.

'Fuck' I thought.

"Aye!" an unfamiliar voice screamed. "What are you doing here?! You're not allowed to be here!" a man with grey hair and some black ones appeared infront of us.

"How dare you scream at your lord?" Niall harshly asked as he was still an inch away from me. 

The man gasped. "My lord... oh my god, I'm so sorry my lord... I didn't know it's you" the man said in complete fear.

"Go bfore I end your life" Niall yelled at him.

In half of a second, the man was no longer in our sight. Niall turned his head to my direction. His eyes were dark red. I smiled at him hoping he'd switch this dark red color to a bright blue. I slightly touched his upper arm. He closed his eyes in what seemed... amusement. I took my hand off of his arm. He opened his eyes and they were back to normal blue.

"You do know how to calm me down, don't you?" he said smiling.


"When are you going to come back?"

He starred down at me. "Before midnight... you won't even feel bored and you'll be save too" he said still starring down at me.

"Alright" I said.

His lips gently kissed mine, it was a long kiss. Very loving and caring. Then he pulled away and turned around ready to leave.

"If you felt unsave just say my name in your mind and I'll be here before you blink" he said then walked out of the door closing it behind him.

'He had to go' I thought. 'Don't be selfish, Zoe, it's not like you love love him'.

Niall needed blood, so he went out to hunt, I didn't want him to leave me alone, but he said it'd be too dangrrous. So, I was in that house. All alone. Alone. The house was really quiet. Too quiet. I always loved quietness, but not anymore, not with William roaming around and messing with my mind.

I was afraid on Niall, the weather outside was scary. Thunders, lightenings, wind and rain. That feeling made me so confused. Why would I be afraid on someone that I'm not in love with?.

'Maybe you're in love' my inner voice said.

'No I'm not!' I thought.

'You've never expierened it before... so how do you know?' my inner voice said again.

'Shut up!' I mentally screamed as I shutted my eyes.

I opened my eyes again and turned on the TV that Niall bought so I don't feel bored. I flipped through the channels till something caught my eyes and ears.

"It is the moat unusual thing" Simon said to the interviewer.

He was on a show called 'What Happens Now?'

"So, what are you planning to do?"

"Well... firstly, she gotta accept her fate, we put that first because her loving him back and wanting to be with him is the most important... secondly, we'll try to find some answers and why all of this is happening" Simon said.

"Where are they now?"

"I can't say... but I can say that they are away to have some fun and try to bond and have a real couples time" Simon said smiling.

"I can't lie... but I kinda wanted to be prince Niall's mate" the interviewer laughed as Simon rolled his eyes. "When prince Niall will be taking the throne?" 


Heya... hope ya enjoy dis ... ummm yeah.

This Chapter is unedited.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Chapter 15 teaser::::::::::::::::::::::::》

Page after page and I didn't stop, I was half through and my tears were threatening to fall, that book was so intresting. It held so many emotions and its story was so great, it impressed me alot, knowning that I'm the kind of person that is hard to impress. That book held a very important meaning of how life could be and how life can play with us and about... death. A part of me, a small one was in that book. A small one



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