Chapter 18

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"Zoe?" a faint voice said. "Wake up, princess".

I lazily opened my eyes, but closed them shut fast due to the shining sun.

"Go away" I whined.

He laughed. "Never".

"No serouisly, I want to sleep".

"Get up" he demanded.

I stayed still, eyes closed.

"Alright then" as soon as he said that, I've been thrown over his shoulder. I let out a scream followed by giggles.

He walked out of the room straight to the bathroom, then he put me down. I had a huge smile on my face, he smiled too. "Do you want me to wash your face, brush your teeth and give you a bath?..." he trailed off smirking at me.

"No, no and absouloutly no" I said, then pushed him out of the bathroom, locking the door.

"You sure about the bathing thing?" he asked from behind the door.

"Yeah, I'm sure! Now go away and let me have a peacefull shower!" 

I walked to the mirror and starred at myself and for the first time since Beth left, I felt beautiful. 'Is this the effect that Niall has on me?' I thought. I shrugged that off and took my clothes off, I turned the hot water on, then added a bit of cold water then got in and let the hot water relax my body.

I got out and wrapped the towel around my body, then headed to the sink and brushed my teeth. After that, I slowly opened the bathroom door and looked around, I didn't find Niall, so I ran to the bedroom still in the towel, opened the door, got in, and locked it, I let out a breath thanking god I didn't get caught.

I turned around and I gasped as my eyes widened and my hand held my towel praying for god, it wouldn't fall.

"Hiding from me, princess?" Niall asked smirking. Did I mention that the towel was short?...

I stayed still...

"You look really sexy" he whispered as his eyes travelled up and down my body and I blushed so bad.

"G-get out!" I screamed.

He laughed hard. "Alright, alright, calm down, hottie" he said as he walked to me

He grabbed my waist and slightly pushed me aside so he can get out, but before he opened the door he kissed my cheek.

A sigh of relief escaped from my mouth as I locked the door behind him.

'Oh my god, he saw me almost naked' I thought as I blushed.

"Princess?" Niall out of nowhere called, making me jumb.


"Wear something sporty, 'cause we're going to do alot of walking".

"Alright" I said, then I heard his footsteps fade away.

I went to the closet and took out an underwear, sports bra, some black tights that I was surprised that they were there and one of Niall's white sleevless basketball shirts and one of his Vans and wore them. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I felt beautiful. I tied up my hair in a messy bun, then went downstaires to the kitchen.

I walked in and saw Niall putting pancakes on the two plates. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back at him then sat. 'I hate pancakes' I thought.

"You do?" Niall asked.

I looked up at him, then I remembered that he can read minds. "I was kiddung" I faked a smile.

"Liar!" he frowned. "You know what? You're eating it... you hate food in general, anyways".

I gasped. "I do not".

He chuckled. "Alright, name me one food that you like" he challenged as he came and sat beside me.

"I..." I trailed off thinking about it. "I like... hmmm... eh... well, I like nothing, you win" I sighned defeated as he 'fist-pumped' the air.


"What the heck, Niall?! We've been walking for two hours!" I breathlessly and whiningly said.

"Actually, it's been twenty minutes" he said as he lightly laughed. "Want me to carry you?" he asked smirking.

After breakfast, me and Niall were walking to the top of a mountain. It wasn't high at all... but for me being Zoe, it was.

I thought about it for a moment, then my smile widened. "Sure" I said as I headed to him.

He turned around and I jumped on his back. He put his arms under my thighs as I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Tell me again, why are we going to the top?" 

"Because It's an amazing view, now shut up!"

"Alright, just one more question?"

"What?" he whined.

"Why aren't you using your vampire-speed? So we can get there faster" I wondered.

"I'm liking the feeling that you're actually on my back" he chuckled as I blushed.

I shutted my mouth up. As I was lost in my thoughts, I thought 'shit... do I like him?'


Double update!!! Told ya I'll make it up to ya!!!

The part where  they were walking to the top o the mountain reminded me of Shrek... when Donkey kept rambling and wouldn't shut up. Lol :P

This chapter is unedited. Enjoy

::::::::::::::::::::Chapter 19 teaser::::::::::::::》

I headed to the basement, taking my phone with me. I opened the door and went down the staires. Being in that room, reminded me of my past.

"It's been a long time" I mumbled to no one, more to myself. "Did you miss  me babe?" I said out loud to the room, to the floor, to the boxing bag, to everything in that room.


Vote if you like it... please comment too, because I really live reading your comments :D

Stay Strong♡


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