Chapter 9

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"Try harder!" Liara yelled at me. "You're being useless!"

"Stop yelling at her!" Niall yelled at her from the other side of the gym that was located in the underground floor of this castle.

Simon earlier suggested that we start training, because he dreamt about war, he saw in his dream how every single stone that built the castle was destroyed, how every tree that surrounded us was burnt, how blood was shed and has covered the green beauty that covered earth... he told me that his dreams were usually true, which scared me more.

I heaved out a sigh. I focused on the glass trying to, somehow, break it. I saw her whisper something to Simon and caught two words, angry and Laura. Just the mention of Laura made me feel all the anger inside rise up, but not enough to 'motivate' my evil powers.

"You really are worthless" Liara spoke up, making me snap my head towards her. "I guess Laura is right. You're a worthless piece of shit that is a waste of space here on earth".

I growled at her, focusing my eyes dead in her eyes. "Bullshit" I said.

"No, I'm right. I was such a blind to not see how weak you are... Niall sure deserves a better, stronger and prettier mate!" Liara snapped.

I didn't care about anything that she said except the last part. It angered me to think of someone taking my place in Niall's heart. My gaze only burned Liara. This time, I really did feel pure anger. This time, I knew. I knew that I was getting there, to the point where I'd glow and attack Liara.

All what I thought about was harming Liara. I was never a violent person, due to the fact that I was abused for two years. I spoke something in a weird language, but inside, I knew what it meant. Liara was lifted of off the floor. Then, she was crashed againts the wall. She fell on the floor with a grunt. Then, she was lifted again, but this time, she hit the roof , then was slammed on the floor, making in its wood a few cracks.

I was going to continue to harm her, but I was pushed on the ground by a body that provided me calmness. I gazed at his mouth. It was moving , but I couldn't hear anything. I grapped his face and crushed my lips againts his, making him feel how Liara's words made me insecure, but yet, pissed off. His lips moved as fast and as desprate  as mine did. I pulled on his hair as he roamed his hands around my body. I pulled him even closer to me, feeling waves of possessivness hit me one by one, not giving me time to breathe.

'Stop before I make love to you right here' he spoke in my mind.

I fastened my pace as I replied with a strong and firm 'no'. He pulled away, and the first thing that I had noticed was that he was, again, glowing yellow, and I was still glowing red, but what confused me was that wherever my skin touched his, it glowed fiery orange as well as for my skin that was touched by him. It really did look like fire.

I trailed my hand along his jaw, making the glowing skin turn to fiery orange. I noticed that his skin glowed a different writings than mine. His were more impressive than me, his were neatly written with glowing yellow while mine were complicated and just... weirder. My eyes went back to his black eyes. I wondered if mine looked like that. He grabbed my face, his thump caressing my cheek, his eyes showed curiosity and amazment.

"Stop" he whispered.

I felt myself slowly letting go of my power. The next thing I knew, we both stopped glowing. It felt weird to glow, but more weirder to let it go. I hoped that by more practice, I'd be more controling on this power.

"Fuck" Liara cussed.

"What the hell was that?!" Steven yelled, sounding terrified. "Zoe! Your fucking eyes-".

"Were glowing white" Liara completed for him, but in a much calmer tone than his. "It wasn't like the first time, I'm sure" her confusion had caused me to be more worried.

Liara suddenly disappeared. Simon hasn't uttered a word. He just looked- or more like, starred at Niall and I. I looked at Niall, my eyes teared up, but I didn't allow them tears to escape my eyes. 'Why us?' I thought to him. His eyes skimmed my face, then finally, setteled on my eyes. 'I don't know, Flame, but I'm sure it's not for nothing'.

Liara reappeared, but she was holding a thick brown book. It was not titled and looked like it aged a few decades. She came and sat beside me, a smell of smoke hit my nose. She kept going through pages till she reached the one, I knew that because she was starring at it for a few minutes.

She looked up at me. "This book is my father's. It's the only thing left from his burnt kingdom. I stole it. It has everything about demons. Read this" she pointed at a paragraph. "It will help a bit".

I took the weird looking book from her hands and mumbeled an 'okay'. I, then, started reading.

'There is a rare kind of demons. A half human half demon royalty. It is nearly impossible for a full demon royalty to produce with a human a half human half demon child. Their powers are so dangerous and strong. Their humanity balances their evil side, making them peaceful unless they are harmed, be it by hurting them or a family member, or mentioning their mate in a wrong way. Their greatest power can be motivated when it comes to their mate. A half human half demon royalty is the most possessive creature to ever exist. Their greatest power is devided into two kinds, the first one that can be tigered by anger or being harmed or a family member being harmed, the eyes would glow red as well as their body writings, the second one is tigered by the possessivness over their  mate or the need to protect their mate, the eyes would glow white, a prove that their intentions of harming someone is protecting their mate'.

The book was snatched from my hands. Liara held it close to her as I frowned at her, but her eyes weren't looking at me, they were looking behind me. Niall, Steven and Simon were also looking in the same direction Liara was looking at. I was almost afraid to look back, but the look on Simon's face caused me to look back. A look of surprisment took over my face.

"I apologize if I inturrepted something".



This chapter is not edited.


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