Drop it. (Jax X tall Non-binary reader)

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No request this was written by me (btw Jax gets flustered in this)


I am literally the only person in this circus that intimidates Jax. I know right, such an achievement! That's probably why Gangel hangs around me so much... How did it happen? I was talking to Gangel, she's my best friend and probably one of the most likeable people here. We were sharing a laugh as we walked down the corridor when suddenly Gangel tripped and her mask was broken. "M...My comedy mask" Gangel cried as I heard Jax's laughter "Jax what the ****!?!" I yelled, he kept laughing "couldn't help it" he laughed, I rolled my eyes and helped Gangel up "Gangel, I'll see you in a bit" I said to her. She nodded and walked to her room.

I walked towards Jax "you're seriously starting to **** me off you know that?" I asked as our eyes met. Me and Jax are the same height so it's easy to help everyone when Jax is being annoying. "I should care why?" He smirked. I suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to my face "listen up you lanky bonnie the bunny knock off. I've had it up to here with you, Gangel is like a little sister to me so shut the hell up and quit bothering us or I will rip that grin off your face and hurt you to the point of Caine not being able to heal you. Got it?" I asked as I glared at him. I actually saw some fear in his eyes! "Y-Yep!" He said nervously "glad we could come to an understanding" I said as I gripped his hand tighter. I let go and walked away, and every since he's been very intimidated by me, whenever he sees me he runs. Was I too harsh? Nah.

Jax POV:

After that day I just remember running towards my room and locking the door. "The **** was that?" I Mumbled in confusion, my face was really heating up "they were so close." I mumbled as I felt my hand. Then it clicked "do i- no! Besides they hang out with that crybaby, that's just embarrassing" I said as I rolled my eyes "I mean... they're kinda cute..." I mumbled as I sat on my bed and held my hand. And ever since then whenever I see them my face heats up and I run, whenever I'm bothering Gangel and i see them i immediately drop it and leave. nobody can know that I've caught feelings for them. Not even Y/N themself.


"Jesus Y/N what did you do to Jax?" Ragatha asked with a slight laugh "just taught him not to mess with anyone, not while I'm around" I smiled "well it worked, he hasn't used my arm as a back scratched for a good 6 days now, nice one Y/N" Zooble smiled.i Shrugged "well, atleast he took the warning, i kind of feel bad" i don't as i rubbed the back of my head "you're way too nice, he had it coming" Zooble said to me "yeah but i feel like i went too far" i said "Y/N, Zooble is right. Besides if you hadn't stepped in poor Gangels Comedy mask would've remained broken" Ragatha smiled reassuringly "you think so?" I asked "we know so" Zooble smiled "okay then" I smiled, I decided even though they think I did something good I was still apologising.

I walked down the corridor and to Jax's room, I knocked a few times "Jax?" I called into the room. I didn't hear anything but I knew he was in there "Jax. Pomni said she saw you walk in there five minutes ago stop pretending that you're not in." I sighed with an unamused expression. The door opened slightly and there was the purple rabbit "what." He asked "Jax I just wanted to-" suddenly I saw his cheeks were dark purple "are you blushing?" I asked with a confused look, I think he noticed "****!" He said quickly, then it clicked "do you like me or something?" I asked with a raised eyebrow "wh- what? That's- of course not love is stupid" he said with an eye roll, I smirked at the comment "wow the tough, awesome Jax is getting flustered" I smirked "I'm not flustered and I don't like you" he said quickly "mhm. And Caine made an actual working exit door." I laughed, he didn't respond "Jax, I'm not going to judge you" I smiled, he sighed and opened the door fully stepping out to meet my gaze "well if you don't want to say it that's fine, I'll let you do It in your own time, that aside i was coming to apologize to you" i smiled "you? Apologize to me? Seriously?" He asked sounding unconvinced "yeah, I feel like I went too far when I threatened you. I do mean every word of my threat but I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" I smiled "that's fine" he sighed "glad I could sort things out, see ya" I smiled as I began to leave. I heard a sigh from behind me and then Jax grabbed my hand "Jax? What are you-" suddenly I felt his lips on mine! I kissed back and once he pulled away I just stared at him "what were you saying about love being stupid again?" I smirked "shut up, do you like me back or no?" He asked "does kissing back not say yes?" I laughed "touche" he smirked.

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