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"Thank you" he said and returned me the glass. I looked at him as he stood up and went in the direction of his room.

"Ji Suniye" I said as I didn't know what to call him and his steps halted. He craned his neck towards me and said "Ji Kahiye" and I swear to Bhagwan ji my stomach did a flip at that. I felt butterflies in there and my heartbeat stopped momentarily. My eyes immediately cast down as I forgot what I wanted to say.

He came to me in long strides and stood towering over me. I didn't look up as he came into my view I forgot how to breathe.

As he gently lifted my chin, his eyes locked with mine. In that moment, time seemed to stand still. I could feel the warmth of his touch and the intensity of his gaze. It was as if he could see into the depths of my soul. His eyes held a mixture of curiosity, tenderness, and perhaps even a hint of longing. I found myself captivated, unable to look away. It was in that silent connection that I realized there was something special between us, something that words could never fully express.

"Breathe Maithili" he said with a slight smirk on his face and damn! His voice sounds so velvety and the way he licked his lips after completing the sentence. Maybe he noticed that I've not taken a single breath since he came into view.

As I took a breath, his masculine cologne hit me and at that, my knees almost gave up but he was fast enough to hold me. He made me sit on one of the chairs and gave me a glass of water which I took absent-mindedly and took a few sips.

He gently brushed my hair from my face and asked with the softest voice anyone ever used with me "you want to say something?"

"Yes, I wanted to ask you about dinner. Have you had it or will have it now? Do you have any specific preferences in food like dal-chawal, aloo-puri, or chhole-bhature? Tell me what you want to eat I will make it. Or you prefer something ligh-" he cut short my blabbering by placing a finger on my lips and my eyes widened at that. I felt a spark in my body and I'm sure he also felt that because he took back his hand almost immediately.

"I will eat whatever you make. Just make sure it is light and less spicy, hm." he told me and I mentally made a note of it. And then I said "Okay then, I will make paalak-paneer and naan for us." He slightly nodded his head, stood up and went in the direction of his room.

And when the door closed, I also stood up and went into the kitchen. I remember I bought some paneer when I went grocery shopping yesterday evening.

I prepared the dish and it hardly took me 30-45 mins to complete my work. I also made rosogulla for dessert. God! That is my favorite. I can eat them daily without getting bored.

• • •

I was arranging everything on the table when he came. I looked up and my eyes got stuck on him. If he was looking good in formals, now he's looking majestic in his casuals. The tshirt complements his features, and the trousers add a touch of sophistication to his overall look. He's got that effortlessly attractive vibe not everyone can have. The fabric hugging his body just right, highlighting his muscles in all the right places.

A clearing of throat made me come out of my dreamland. My cheeks heated up seeing the evil smirk on his face. I lowered my eyes and hurriedly started doing my work.

From my peripheral view, I saw him coming closer. He stood so close to me and again I got lost in his cologne. As if it was not enough he teased me saying "Enjoying the view wifey! Huh?" That was it. I wanted to go and jump off the cliff. I was so embarrassed.

Covering up my embarrassment with a cough I whispered "let's...let's eat, the food is getting cold."

I moved away from him and took my seat. Soon he joined me and we started with our food. Basically, he started and I was just looking at him waiting for his response he liked it or not. But frowned when he didn't say anything just ate silently. Doesn't he know we should complement it if we like something? Or he doesn't like it?

That thought made my frown deepen and I took a bite to see if I missed something. But felt content as it was just like how I expected it to be. Perfect. But then again if it is good then why he didn't say it?

But why his complement matter? I know I make the best food. I've many people who said that. I thought to ignore him and concentrated on my plate but not before mumbling "Arrogant" in a low voice so that he don't hear it.

"You said something?" my eyes widened at that and I immediately shook my head.

He stood up finishing his food and went to the kitchen taking his plate. I followed him after finishing mine and saw he had washed his plate and now putting them in their place. "Rukiye" he was going but I stopped him. I put my plate in the sink and went to the fridge. Took out the sweet and served it in the bowl for both of us. I gave his bowl to him and took mine and all the time his eyes were on me.

☆ ☆ ☆

That's it for this chapter hope you all like it.
English is not my first language so there can be some grammatical mistakes.
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