"Angel Dust"

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Angel got up from his bed reluctantly, he had to go to work. Work was not exactly his problem, his problem was his boss, Valentino. Before he could dress, receive a call from him.

-Hi, Valentino?

-Come up here in this instant.

-Bu... But, we don't record until 11, it's 9.

-Come here, shit!

-Yes, Valentino.

Angel climbed the stairs to the studio. He did not believe exactly that what he held there was good, well, it never was, but some days were worse than others, so he tried not to complain about.

-I'm here, Val, what happen?

-You'll see, Angel Cakes, I've found myself in a... squeeze with someone and... I owe him a favor.

-Okay... and? Why am i here?

-Because, I want you to get locked in a room the first 2 hours.

-What? Why?

-You just do what I order you, Angel. And if you make any noise or get out of the room you will be fucking fatty old truck drivers with fetish of schoolgirls for the next month, is it clear?

-Yes, Val.

It was clear, Val did not want Husk to choose Angel Dust, the best known porn star of hell as his assistant. Maybe Valentino did not like Angel, but it is indisputable that the money that he did dissolved all disagreements.

Later, Husk arrived. He got off his limousine and entered the studio.

-Husk! You arrived, good. I have a selection of dolls that will surely be very good attendees, they also suck dicks very well.

-... Thank you, Val, but as i said before, I will choose the assistant.

-Of course, of course.

When Husk and Valentino enter, there was a selection of many souls to be selected by Husk.

-And? Which one do you want? I don't have all day.

Husk looked at what Valentino had to offer him, there was nothing that will caught his attention, but he didn't want to prove it.

-Are those all the souls you have?

-Yes, I'm a humble guy, my brother.

-Yeah, whatever, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back.

Husk got up from the chair and went to look for the bathroom. As it was a place he did not know, he started opening all the doors he found.
While opening doors, one caught his attention, it was a pink one with a big heart the center with an "A" inside. When he opened it he saw a tall boy with white hair, 8 eyes and pajamas. When he saw him, he was perplexed.

-Wh... who are ya?

-I... I'm Husk. Sorry, I was looking for the bathroom, do you know where it is?

-Eh... Emm, yes, second corridor ta the left.

Before Husk left, he stopped at the door and looked at Angel.

-What's your name?

-Umm, Angel Dust? The porn star? I'm well known here, Husky.

-Don't call me that way. Tell me... Valentino is your boss, right?


-Does he owns your soul?



When Husk returned from the bathroom, he approached Valentino.

-Val, I know who I'm going to take.

-Gorgeous! Who will be this unfortunate soul?

-Angel Dust.

Valentino made a great pause.

-What!? Angel Dust? No way! He is mine.

-Remember that I won the bet, the deal said that I would choose the soul that would come with me, and I choose Angel Dust.

-Your small piece of...

-If you excuse me, I will look for it, give me the contract, please.

Valentino did not have another choise, he gave him the contract, very reluctantly.
After that, Valentino called Angel.

-Angel, dear! Could you come for a moment? I have a surprise for you.

-Yeah? What's up, Val?

-Do you remember that I told you that I owed a favor to someone? Well, that favor is you, you... you belong to Husk now.

Val said, reluctantly.

-Wh... what?

-Your contract has passed to Husk, you are his now.

-Bu... bu... but.

-But nothing, shut up and fuck yourself, Angel.

-But i...

-Shut the fuck up!

Valentino grabbed Angel from his face and crashed him against the wall.

-Hey, enough! Valentino, I remind you that this is my soul now, and as long as it is my soul, you are not going to touch him.

-Tch, fuck.

Husk extended his hand to Angel to lift him from the ground, but Angel did not take his hand, got up alone and looked Husk with disdain.
Husk turned his eyes and put his hand down.

-I'll get my employees to come to look for your things.

-Yes, whateva'...

Angel said little desire.

End of Cap 2, Notice, is no fixed date for the departure of the chapters.

My Soul Is Yours (💗Huskerdust🐱) translation in english (NOT MY ART)Where stories live. Discover now