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Husk and Angel were sleeping curled up in bed, until the alarm went off.

-Mmh, turn that thin' off...

-Mmh?  Mmh, I have to get up, if you want you can stay in bed.

-Mmh... no, if ya get up I'll go with ya.

-Well, then, let's go.

Husk said, getting out of bed.  As he stood up, he noticed that Angel was entwined in him and that he was crawling around using him for support.

-Really, Angel, if you want to continue sleeping you can do it.

-No... I'm gettin' up, I just don't want to be separated from ya.

-Mmj, you're an idiot.

-Yes, maybe, but I'm yer idiot.

-Yes, yes you are.

Husk said, immediately after kissing Angel's lips.

Later, after breakfast, Angel and Husk got to work.  They spent half the day together, except for a few moments when Husk went to bet, although Angel generally liked to watch Husk bet and usually win, he wasn't going to watch him ALL the time, that man bet too much.

While Husk was betting Angel was in his office, after a while he received a request, a meeting request with Husk, Angel was perplexed to see who the request came from.

Later, Husk had finished betting, he had won, as usual, and left for his office.  While he was inside Angel entered, when Husk entered he noticed that Angel had a dull look, he was not well.

-Angel?  Is something wrong?

-...Ya have a request, a meetin' request.

-Meeting request?  With who?


Suddenly, there was a great silence between them.

-What!?  Valentino!?

-Yes, him.

-Wh...?  No, there is no way I will agree to meet him.

-Come on Husk, I know him, if ya say no now he will continue ta botha' ya until ya accept.

-But he is...

-I know.

-What he did to you is...

-I know.

-You're sure?

-Yes, I am.  I can't say I want ta see him but I don't want him ta botha' us again, and this... this is the only way.

Husk thinks about it for a bit but finally agrees.

-Okay, I'll do it, just for you.

-Thank ya, Husk.

Angel said hugging Husk and giving him lots of kisses.

Before Valentino entered, Husk ordered the casino to close. Angel did not want to see him but he also did not want to leave Husk alone with him. Husk, on the other hand, the last thing he wanted was for Angel to cross paths with Valentino, so he asked Angel to leave. to stay in his room, to which Angel, somewhat nervous, accepted.
When Valentino arrived, Husk greeted him.

-Greetings, Husk~


-How beautiful the casino is, it has... character.

-Colud we talk in my office, please?

-Of course, let's go.

Although Angel had been asked to stay in his room, he spied, from a safe distance, on Husk and Valentino. When they entered his office, Angel stayed waiting at the door, hoping to hear something, but he couldn't.

After a while, the door opened.  Since that caught Angel off guard, the first thing he saw was Valentino, leaving alone.  Obviously he was startled, but what confused him most was seeing Val with a smile from ear to ear.

-Enjoying your stay, Angel Cakes?  Don't get used to it, darling, remember, no matter where you escape, I will always be there.

Angel couldn't answer, he was too scared.  What confused him even more was that Husk hadn't left the office.  He waited for Valentino to leave the casino and entered Husk's office, when he entered what he saw was Husk standing with his hands on the desk behind the entrance door.

-Husk?  Everythin' is alright?  What did he tell ya?

-Not now, Angel...

-What happened? Husk, Talk ta me?

-I said not now!

Angel flinched, Husk had never yelled at him before, but he didn't back down.

-Why are ya yellin' at me?  Husk, I need ya ta tell me what's goin' on.

Husk was silent, he couldn't look at Angel.


-...Have you ever stopped to think if all of this is a mistake?

Angel was silent for a moment.

-What?  Mistake?  No, of course not!  Do... do ya?

Angel said, looking worried.


-Do ya think that what we have is a mistake?

-Come on, Angel.  You and I know there's no point in us being together.

Husk said, finally turning to look at Angel.

-What?  Yeah, I know, but... but I thought that's what we liked about each other.

-Well, you thought wrong, that's not how our relationship should be, I am your boss and you are my employee.  That's all.

-Ya don't believe that bullshit, Husk, there's no way ya really believe that!

-Yes I believe it.

-This is not ya, this...!

-Yes I am.

-These 6 months...!

-Were a mistake...

Without realizing it, tears began to flow from Angel's eyes. Angel covered his mouth and began to sob, but shortly afterward he began to laugh, while he cried.

-...For a moment I forgot... Ha, ha, ha!  Ya are good, ya really are good!  Ha ha!  I can't believe I opened my heart ta...

-What?  What did you forget?

-I forgot how ya guys are like!  I forgot that ya are nothin' more than the owna' of my soul, that's how ya are, ya have a soul and ya don't stop until ya destroy it and manipulate it like... Like a fuckin' toy!

-What? No!  That's not what I...

-Yes, Husk, that's exactly what ya do, it's typical! Ya tell me ya love me, ya give me gifts, we fuck, it's always the same fuckin' shit!  And the worst thing is that I fell!  I fell again!  It just can't be...

-Angel, I...

-No, ya were right, Husk, this was a mistake.

Angel said, finishing the conversation.  He slowly left the office without looking back, trying to hide his tears.  When he came out Husk began to drink faster than normal to silence his own tears.
When Angel arrived at his room, he fell to the floor crying, unable to get up again, and hugged Fat Nuggets.

End of chapter 11. HAHAHA I TOLD YOU IT WAS GOING TO SUCK, I'll see you in the next chapter, byeeee <3

My Soul Is Yours (💗Huskerdust🐱) translation in english (NOT MY ART)Where stories live. Discover now