"The meeting"

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Husk was nervous, he had no interest in having a meeting with Valentino but Angel had asked him, he had asked him so that he wouldn't bother them again, so for him, and only for him, he accepted.

Husk asked Angel to stay in his room, which he accepted.  When Valentino arrived Husk didn't bother to hide his displeasure from him.

-Greetings, Husk~


-How beautiful the casino is, it has... character.

-Could we talk in my office?

-Of course, let's go.

When they arrived at the office Valentino sat in front of Husk.

-I must say, you look more relaxed... I must admit, you look better that way.

-Ugh, get to the point, Val. What do you want?

-Yes, yes, sorry, where is your beautiful assistant, Husk?

-He has nothing to do here, and if you called me for that, I'm sorry to tell you that you will never see him again.

-Ha, ha, Never?  Please don't break my heart, kitten~

-Never.  Now tell me, what the hell do you want?

-Tell me, Husk, how are you doing with Angel?


-Do you really think you love him?

-...Why do you ask?

-I must admit, trying to get his soul back was a low blow, especially since the idiot I hired turned out to be incompetent.

-Wait... that fox guy... Was it you?


-You are an idiot, a big idiot.

-...Do you really think I wouldn't notice your... relationship with Angel?

-I do not know what you're talking about.

-Please, Husk, do you really think you're doing him some good?  He is stuck with you, if you freed his soul do you think he wouldn't leave and he would leave you?  Ha!  I thought you were smart, kitten.

-No he wouldn't...

-Of course he would!  You have him imprisoned, in a prison, I had him too, of course,
Ha ha, you're just like me!

-I will never be the same as you.

-Oh, but you already are!  It's typical, you make him fall in love, you give him gifts and in the end you will have him at your mercy and he will do everything you ask of him.

-What?  I never...!

-Wait, do you really think you love him?  Ha, ha!  You're stupider than I thought!  Let's see, Husk, you don't love him, you just have fun with him.

-Enough... Go, now!

-As you wish, dear.

Valentino got up and left the office, Husk couldn't leave, he was very upset.  He heard some voices coming from Angel and Val but he couldn't understand them, he also couldn't leave the office to listen better, instead he put his hands on the desk and his back to the door.
Almost without noticing it, Angel entered the office.

-Husk?  Everythin' is alright?  What did he tell ya?

-Not now, Angel...

-What happened?  Husk Talk to me?

-I said not now!

Angel flinched, Husk had never yelled at him before, but he didn't back down.

-Why are ya yellin' at me?  Husk, I need you to tell me what's goin' on.

Husk was silent, he couldn't look at Angel.


-...Have you ever stopped to think if this is a mistake?

Angel was silent for a moment.

-What?  Mistake?  No, of course not!  Do you... do ya?

Angel said, looking worried.


-Do ya think that ours is a mistake?

-Come on, Angel.  You and I know there's no point in us being together.

Husk said, finally turning to look at Angel.

-What?  Yeah, I know, but... but I thought that's what we liked about each other.

-Well, you thought wrong, that's not how our relationship should be, I am your boss and you are my employee.  That's all.

-Ya don't believe that bullshit, Husk, there's no way ya really believe that!

-Yes I believe it.

-This is not ya, this...!

-Yes I am.

-These 6 months...!

-They were a mistake...

Husk was on the verge of tears, he hated seeing Angel cry, then he noticed that Angel started laughing among the sobs.

-...For a moment I forgot... Ha, ha, ha!  Ya are good, ya really are good!  Ha ha!  I can't believe I opened my heart ta...

-What?  What did you forgot?

-I forgot how ya guys are like!  I forgot that ya are nothin' more than the owna' of my soul, that's how ya are, ya have a soul and ya don't stop until ya destroy it and manipulate it like... Like a fuckin' toy!

-What?  No!  That's not what I...

-Yes, Husk, that's exactly what ya do, it's typical!  Ya tell me ya love me, ya give me gifts, we have sex, it's always the same shit!  And the worst thing is that I fell!  I fell again!  It just can't be...

-Angel, I...

-No, ya were right, Husk, this was a mistake.

Angel said, finishing the conversation and leaving the office.  When he was completely gone, Husk began to drink, trying to silence his crying.

End of cal 12, for those who didn't understand this is Husk's version of the story.  SEE YOU NEXT BYEEEE <33

My Soul Is Yours (💗Huskerdust🐱) translation in english (NOT MY ART)Where stories live. Discover now