"How do you feel?"

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This chapter contains
Mentions of self-harming and scenes of SA

-What!? That do you like your boss!? What the hell, Angel?

-Agh, I'm not sure! He has been actin' very well and... I don't know! Is rare. Ya should have seen him at the gala, a month ago, he was... fantastic, Cherri.

-Angie, he is the man who owns your soul.

-I know! That is why it is so confusin'! He has been with me since the last month and I feel somethin' happens ta him with me too. Agh... I hate everythin'.

-Just be careful. I don't want to happen again what happened with... Valentino.

Angel paused, his gaze saddened.

-Do you remember how it was? I entered your room and you were bleeding and crying, you were talking about ending your life... Your wrists were cut, do you remember?

Angel raised his head and looked at Cherri, keeping his eyes sad. He sighed and spoke.

-I know, Cherri, believe me, I'm bein' careful... and ya know I've been much betta' now since then!

-Okay, if you are happy, I support you. But remember that I will always be there if you need me. I love you.

-I love ya too, Cherri.

Angel and Cherri gave themselves a hug meaning, but before they could extend it, the megaphhone sounded.

-Angel, I need you in the office, please.

Angel get out of bed and went to work.

-I'll see ya lata', Cherri.

-Bye... Angel.

Cherri said with a look of concern.

When Angel arrived, he went to Husk.

-Sorry for interrupting your night with your friend, but I need you to come with me to a place.

-Oh! Okay, I will tell Cherri ta leave.

-Okay. I'll see you down.

After dispatching Cherri, Angel dressed in his best casual clothes, unconsciously wanted to look good for Husk.

-And well, boss? Where are we goin'?

-We will be in a meeting.

-Uhhhh, with who?

-I don't know, a machine distributor, or someshit like that, the point is that I could give money.

-Of course... And why do I have ta go?

-Well... you give the best impression of me.

When Husk said they both blushed and avoided visual contact.

-Let's go.

-Eh... yes, yes.

The night was longer than expected, they ended very late but the deal could be made and Husk got the money.

-Wow, that was a long meetin', Husk.

-Ugh, yes, now I just want to get home and sleep. Again, forgive me to drag you to this.

-No problem, we won the money afta' all, and it's my work.

-Yes, thanks, anyway.

While they were walking to the Casino, Angel saw a supermarket.

-Oh, I could definitely eat somethin' now.

-What do you want me to buy you?

-I don't know, anythin', then I pay ya in the casino.

-You don't need to. You wait here, I'll be back.

Husk said that and entered the supermarket. While Angel expected, he turned on a cigarette. Suddenly, a demon appeared, his face was not seen, it was very dark, but he went to Angel.

-Hi, Precious, What does such a handsome demon only in the middle of the night?

-Ya know... just smokin', do I know ya? Yer voice sounds familiar.

-Mmh, I don't think so. Are you alone?

-Mm, I'm waitin' for a... friend Why ask?

-It is for this to be easier.

The guy was shown, was the bear's demon who had harassed Angel last month. Before Angel could react the guy grabbed him, he drugged him with a handkerchief to faint him and took him to his car to undress him.
Just before the guy could get his clothes completely, Husk appeared from behind, he grabbed him, separated him from Angel and started hitting him, too hard.

-I told you that if you touched him again I would kill you!

Before Husk could kill him, Angel, very weakened, put himself in the middle.

-...Husk... please... enough... let's go home...

Angel said, barely being able to modulate the words that came out of his mouth. Husk seeing Angel so weakened stopped hitting the guy and grabbed Angel in his arms to take him to the casino.
When Angel arrived, he was better, much better, he had already been detoxified and thoroughly cleaned, since Husk, before taking him back to the casino he took him to a hospital.

-Angel? How are you?

-Good, thanks for... take me ta the hospital.

-Thanks for not letting me kill that moron, son of a...

-Stop, Husk, I'm fine. It is not as if it had not happened before.

-You shouldn't go through that shit again, especially you.

Angel made a surprised face and looked at Husk.

-Specially me? Ha, why do ya say that?

-Are you serious? You are good, fun, handsome, tender, strong and... and... so many things else! Don't you see it?

-By God, ya are incredible.

Unexpectedly, Angel started a kiss with Husk, to which he corresponded. The kiss was so felt and magical, that they hardly realize that they arrived at Angel's bedroom.
Before Husk could get his clothes off, Husk stopped the kiss and went to Angel.

-A... are you sure you want to continue?

-Yes, are ya?


Immediately, after that, the kisses intensified and began to get their clothes. That affection was what would be his first night together. It was one night to remember, Husk kept asking Angel what he wanted to do, how does he wnted to be touched, etc.

After that, Husk and Angel were curled up in bed.

-And? How do ya feel?

-Very good.

Husk said smiling at Angel.

-And you? How are you?

Husk asked, curious.

-I loved every second of what just happened, Husk, it's just... it was different...

-Is it bad?

-don't misunderstand me! I am happy, this has been one of the best experiences in my life. It's just that... I don't rememba' the last time someone asked me how I felt, or asked me how I wanted me ta be touched, or treated me with so much respect in the act, even if I wanted ta do it, usually only towards what they asked for. But ya... thanks Husk, really.

Angel kisses Husk and curls more. After that they sleep.

End of Cap 8. Boys, my first "Aftercare" scene (please practice it, it's very important to do it after having sex) I love u byeeee <3

My Soul Is Yours (💗Huskerdust🐱) translation in english (NOT MY ART)Where stories live. Discover now