"The first day"

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Angel was sleeping passively until Husk entered his room and uncovered him.

-Up, it's time to work!

-What?  But ya said it started at 8, it's 7!

-I want you to get used to getting up at least an hour earlier, I don't want to have you in a bad mood at work because you got up early.

-And how do ya think I am now?  Fuck off!

Angel covered his face with the blanket, again.

-Excuse me?

-Let me sleep...

Husk uncovered Angel once again.

-Up! Get dressed and go to my office.

-Mmh, I'm comin'.

Moments later Angel entered the office.

-Ready, I'm here. What do ya need?

-I want you to organize my meetings.  I'll leave the folder on your desk.

-Okay, wait, do I have a desk?

-Yes, it's the door next to this room.

-Ohhhh, elegant. Okay, anythin' else?

-Yes, one of my waitresses was missing today, so you will serve the customers in her place.

-Mmh, Well, is there a bar here?

-Yes, there is, but you are not going to use it, if you want something you ask me.  Remember that.

-Oh, well, I'll see ya lata'. 

-I'll wait for that folder.

Later, at 9, the casino opened.  Angel didn't want to admit it but he was nervous, this job wasn't exactly his specialty, Husk noticed that.

-Hey, don't be nervous, at this time everyone is very calm and almost no people come.

-What? nervous?  I'm not nervous, it's just that this uniform sucks, that's what.

-Well, we don't have another one, you'll get used to it.  Now go to work.

-Ugh, yes, yes, I'm comin'.

The day went normally, Angel was learning things about his work and if he had any questions he would clarify them with Husk.  Everything was going well, until the night came.
Almost immediately, after 9 PM, it started to fill up with people, all kinds of people, Angel didn't know exactly where to start and he couldn't bother Husk because he was finishing a meeting.  So he decided to take charge alone and improvise.
The first customers he served were fine, a little overindulged, but fine.  Angel, faced with that, felt very confident so he began to approach the clients to see if they needed anything, after a while, he went with a bear-shaped demon, with red eyes and green fur, it was obvious that he was very drunk. but Angel was very confident and did not give it importance.

-Hello, sir, do ya need anythin'?  A drink or whateva'?


-Umm, yes?  That's what I said.

-If so, I want that cute little ass of yours, sweetness.

The man said before slapping Angel's butt.

-Wh... What the fuck?

Angel slaps the man.

-Ya touch me again and I swear I will rip out yer eyes and shove them up yer ass, fuck face.

-Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, try it, bitch.

The Bear demon grabbed Angel's wrist tightly.

-Let go of me, sad balls, without feminine affection with the face of a vomited dog.

-You little piece of shit!

The guy hit Angel hard in the face, causing Angel to hit a table and later cut the back of his head and his left leg on glass.  That left him defenseless, he couldn't get up.

-Ha... ya're not even good for hittin', bitch.

-Shut up once and for all, you fucking faggot!

Just before the guy could kick Angel, Husk got in the way.

-...If you ever come back to my casino, or come near my employees again, I will rip off your fucking scrotum and I swear I will make you eat it in front of me. Is it that clear?

-Ye...yes, sir, I'm sorry.

-Okay, now... GET OUT.

When the guy leaves, Husk gives the order to close the casino.  He walked over to Angel and helped him up.

-Are you okay?

-I didn't ask for yer help, I could handle it alone.

-Say thank you, idiot.

-Yes, yes, thank you, whateva'.

-Ugh, come, I'll take you to the infirmary.

-No, I don't need it, I'm fine.

Right after saying that Angel fell on top of Husk because he couldn't stand up.

-Yes, I'm sure you're fine.  Let's go, follow me.

After healing his wounds, Angel was calmer.

-I told you that if someone threatened or attacked you, you should let me know. Why didn't you do it?

-...I didn't want ta botha' ya, I knew ya were in a meetin'.

-Okay, if this ever happens again, shout my name or something.

Husk searched for something in his pocket.

-Here, it's an angelic gun, use it if you have problems.


-Well, I think I should go back to work, you should go to sleep, bye.


Angel stops Husk before he leaves.

-Thank ya... really.

Husk makes a small smile.

-No problem, Angel, good night.

-Goo... goodbye.

End of chapter 4

My Soul Is Yours (💗Huskerdust🐱) translation in english (NOT MY ART)Where stories live. Discover now