Clandestine operations, Freedom, And APFSDS

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(I'm gonna try to integrate music into this, Keyword, TRY)

I'm casually flying on an MH-6 Littlebird— As casually as you can while flying a Military aircraft, Through the bad parts of Vale, I manage to see a small WF outpost down closer to the abandoned areas so I remove the Heli with my Toolgun, and fall until I just land because I receive little to no fall damage. I went ahead and spawned in a:

FN Herstal MK-16/SCAR-L, with a Eotech 553, Supressor and a Laser.

SIG P250 with a suppressor, and a Laser.

I proceeded to lockpick the side door and walked in, Using Spy's Cloaker I sneaked past a few guards and took out a few while waiting to recharge my cloak. then I sneaked and hid inside the crevices of some containers, I saw a few guards walk by and then proceeded to slide out of the aperture and walk toward the main building.

Inside I saw a bunch of WF members and more. I managed to take out two guards by snapping their necks and planting some explosives. After that, I put some more explosives in the Dust containers. I almost got spotted before I slam the Guard's face with the stock of my gun and I snap his neck. I walk out towards what looks to be a meeting room. I hide behind a few boxes and eavesdrop.

WF 1: "So what do you think of that Human getting those Paladins?"

WF 2: "Gods shut up, The lower ranks aren't supposed to know about it!"

WF 1: "Calm down! They won't walk in."

WF 2: "Sure... Let's just get back to our posts."

WF 1: "Yeah yeah."

They both walk out leaving me still hidden behind some boxes.

Red: "Paladins... Interesting.."

WF member: "HUMAN!"

Red: "Oh shiz!"

I pull out my SCAR and start blasting the waves of WF members, I also manage to spawn some extra Combine soldiers and Resistance members to aid me.

Red: "Hey shotgunner! Throw a grenade over there!"

NPS: "Affirmative."

The shotgunner threw two grenades in quick succession and killed the last of the WF members. After we confirmed they were dead I put them in a pocket dimension and stored the portal opener in my pocket, After that I detonated the explosives and left. The explosion wasn't noticed because it was in the empty part of town.

After doing so I raided a few other Outposts in the area, Before flying back towards Beacon, During the flight I got a call from Blake, and that Sun guy was screaming "HELLLLPPPP" on the pho- I mean Scroll. So I rushed to help them. Turns out they were at Highway. Once I reached them I seemed to be late to the party with Yang, Weiss, and Ruby. They seemed to be fighting a giant robot, It Must've been the Paladin that Grunt said

Red: "Hm... What can counter an oversized robot? Hm... Oh right! 800 Billion dollar defense budget!"


Team RWBY stances up as the Mech faces them, the Mech readying its weapons while the others of Team RWBY Are readying their weapons.

A shadow is seen in the space between RWBY and the Mech before an M1A2 SepV3 lands abruptly in front of them as it deploys its Smoke launchers. The Mech enables its Lasers to track the Tank.

Toolguns and Grimm: A GMOD X RWBY storyWhere stories live. Discover now