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Aro's simple instructions had been given to her only hours ago, playing violently on a loop in the young vampire's head as she sped towards the state of Washington with a package in her grasp.

Demetri's voice also rang in her head as she neared the state line, reminding her that there would truly be no 'two days,' for she was turning her back on her coven in fear of a punishment she was likely to receive. Call her a coward, but there was only one thing that scared her more than Aro; the end.

On her way towards the Olympic territory, she thought of what she was going to do with herself after she completed her final task for Aro. She didn't have many allies in the world, most covens would be too frightened of the Volturi's wrath if they took her in as a stowaway. Perhaps they'd even betray her right away, only hosting her just to throw her right back into Aro's clutches under the promise of some sort of reward.

She wouldn't trust anyone — she couldn't.

Yet, the closer she drew towards Forks, whizzing past the meek town sign displaying its equally meek population count, the longing to return to the reservation settled in her chest like a dull ache.

Pushing the feeling aside with a low snarl, she continued on her path to the Cullen home where wedding preparations were steadily underway.


The Cullen home was bustling, Talullah able to make out two figures setting up the isle that Bella Swan would soon walk down from her spot within the trees. The vampire wondered to herself if Bella was still human, or if she had turned and this was exclusively a 'vampires only' type of wedding.

Although Aro's instructions were clear, that she was supposed to hand-deliver the gift on behalf of her coven, Talullah seemed to still as she migrated to the front of the home almost soundlessly. Was she just supposed to ring the doorbell? Was she supposed to break in and deliver it that way? Was Bella even inside at all?

With all the thoughts rushing around in her brain, she failed to recognize that a presence had crept up beside her. "Bella is inside," the voice rang out, jostling Talullah out of her rapid thoughts. Her attention snapped to her left, seeing the face of Edward Cullen with his arms by his sides with the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up slightly. If she looked hard enough, the younger vampire could make out a small smirk forming upon his face. "Or rather, she's out in the back with Alice."

Talullah hummed, rolling her shoulders back with a sort of faux confidence before suddenly thrusting the delicately wrapped package in his direction, as though it was actively burning her. Edward caught it with ease. "A gift from the Volturi, to Bella, to celebrate your union," she told him, observing as he analyzed the gift he was holding. She almost smiled at his hesitation. "It's a necklace, Edward. Nothing to be scared of."

Edward only nodded, gift now resting in his grasp with newfound ease. "We appreciate the Volturi's generosity," he replied, tone kept cordial seeing as Talullah was still a member of the high ranking coven. "If you want—"

The invitation was on his lips, then, but Talullah was quick to interject.

"It would do you well to send a prompt thank-you note back to Aro," she suggested, pushing the plan she cultivated on her way to Forks into motion, "and it would also do you well to include how eager I was to return to him. And how I declined your most gracious invitation to join the festivities."

Edward's mouth was downturned in an instant, immediately combing through the circulating thoughts that were bounding around inside the girl's head. The Cullen boy had read many minds, but he had to admit that he found Talullah's to be the hardest to navigate. Alas, he managed to find something worthy to note just as she turned to leave.

"You're in danger."

"No," She merely snapped, Volturi cloak she wore whipping around as she spun to face him. "I'm taking a leave of absence from my duties."

Edward's lip curled back, ignoring her poor excuse to avoid the subject at hand. "Where will you go?" He could hear a singular word ring out in his head; home. So subtle he would have missed it, although he wasn't sure what she meant by it just yet. "They'd come looking for you, but I'm certain Carlisle could help you with that."

Talullah's jaw locked in annoyance and found Edward's persistence on the matter to be nauseating — which of course he heard, based on the way he shook his head in disbelief as he clearly picked up on the thought.

"Don't be so foolish, Edward. Your territory is the first place he'd look," she all-but snarled out. She huffed to retain composure, stoic look slipping back onto her face with ease. "May your union with Bella be entirely pleasant."

Before Edward could even open his mouth to call out her obvious bullshit, she was gone, her thoughts like a soft whisper in the wind the further away she travelled.

Still, a feeling that bounded around in her chaotic mind stuck to him like glue, a feeling he couldn't shake even as Talullah's scent completely vanished from the vacinity. Buried beneath her egocentric thoughts and aspirations for her survival at the end of all of this, was complete dread. The kind of dread that was cold, hollow, and all-encompassing.

The Cullen boy's attention turned back to the gift in his grasp before he looked at his home, knowing parts of his family and his fiancée were within its confines. He knew someone had been listening to their conversation based on the feint questions he could heard, and as he gazed up at a second story window, he locked eyes with Carlisle.

Amber met amber before the older vampire motioned for Edward to join him in his study, for they had much to discuss regarding the return of Talullah Eubanks.


[ wyn's note ]

hi everyone! this chap is a bit of a shorter one BUT only because it's gonna be a double update! appreciate you all for reading, and i can't believe we've hit 1.8k reads on this story!!

next chapter will be a major catalyst in sam and talullah's journey, you'll see ;)

much love :)

𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑, sam uley ✗Where stories live. Discover now