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LEAH CLEARWATER'S EYES WERE NARROWED at the scene that was playing out before her.

The rest of the pack who were outside of Sam's place had eventually migrated inside, most of which chose to linger around in the kitchen. Leah found herself in a chair at the round table directly across from the girl she knew from high school, looking exactly the same as she did the night she disappeared from Dawson's.

Only, the crimson tint of her eyes was a dead giveaway as to what transpired— as to why she was here and holding Sam's hand in hers with a fierce grip. She saw the way his own hand squeezed hers, how the brunette's posture deflated only slightly as the obvious tension left her shoulders. Leah's gaze was searching, inquisitive, as she tried to piece together what was presently going on before she slumped back in her chair, incredibly unamused.

"You imprinted on her?" Although it was phrased like a question, it came out sounding more like a resolute statement. The others in the room could tell she was less than thrilled about the situation, one of which jumped up at her accusatory tone.

"Give it a rest, Leah," Embry's voice sounded from where he was leaning against the kitchen counter, stray muffin in hand. There was a reason why no one clued the girl in on what was going on, because they knew her reaction would be absolutely abysmal. "She's back, that's what matters."

It was clear that out of the rest of the pack, minus Sam of course, Embry Call was the most excited of the girl's return. Dawson's statement from a while ago was well and true, because he did actively follow Sam and Talullah around the reservation just to see her alongside the dirty blond man. She was always like a big sister to him, and he'd be damned if Leah ran her out with her vice words.

"Yeah, as a bloodsucker," she pointed out, arms crossing over her chest as her lip curled in agitation. She inwardly found it strange how everyone was acting completely normal about the situation; even her brother tried making small talk with the vampire before they all went inside. "I thought the rules of the treaty were still in place, Sam."

The way she sneered his name sent Talullah leaning forward in an instant, but Sam's grip on her smaller hand pulled her back. He watched as the brunette's eyes locked onto Leah, unwavering as though she was waiting for a threat to appear.

The vampire beside him was still unaware of the treaty, Sam had never really brought it up, and Talullah never had a reason to inquire since she never saw the wolves and the Cullens cross paths. Oh, how wrong she was given their collaboration during newborn battle that transpired months ago.

"They are," the man stressed, firm gaze set on Leah, who didn't cower away at his heated glare— opting to sit upright now, "but Talullah staying here is non-negotiable. I don't have to explain myself to you."

Leah scoffed, rising fully from her chair with Talullah's eyes tracking her every move. "No shit, you never have," she said lowly before immediately rushing out of the house. The boy who shared a familial resemblance to her, Seth Clearwater, shouted her name and promptly went after her— but not before he offered the young vampire a meek smile and an apology on his sister's behalf.

Once the Clearwater girl was gone, Talullah sagged in her seat. The initial instinct to protect Sam had worn off the further she went away from the house, and so she turned to the man next to her. "Does she not like vampires, or does she not like me and I just happen to be..." she let the sentence trail off, leaving room for someone in the vicinity to answer. She noticed Sam's silence first before turning to look at the two remaining pack members in the kitchen.

𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑, sam uley ✗Where stories live. Discover now