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GIVEN THAT TALULLAH WAS STILL PRESUMED MISSING BY THE ENTIRETY OF FORKS COUNTY, she couldn't just outright walk into the hospital and demand to see her mother.

She also couldn't because she was sure the crimson shade of her eyes would be a dead giveaway as to what she was, and as much as she was rid of the Volturi, that didn't mean she was about to abandon her kind's laws.

The following few days consisted of Sam trying to make it up to Talullah for being an ass. His words, not hers— although she'd agree, he had been an ass. To accuse her of potentially hurting her human mother was something she hadn't expected from him, especially considering that although she was still young in vampire years, she wasn't a savage.

Sure, during that first year in Volterra she definitely was, but she'd grown since then.

He recruited Embry to help him, of course. The teen practically jumped at the chance when he was at Sam's with Paul, all while Talullah had went to get something to eat. He started scheming in the living room, Sam watching him with a pinched look at he wrote down ideas on how to make her happy— because she clearly wasn't.

He knew he pissed her off. She'd stopped 'sneaking' into his room as often, wasn't quieter despite Sam knowing the frantic look in her eye that told him her mind was running a mile a minute, and she would always throw what he said back in his face no matter how much it killed them both.

"Wanna come to the bonfire? The pack's asking for you." Aka it was Embry, Embry always asked for her.

"Well, I wouldn't wanna hurt anybody, so I just don't think it's a good idea."

The list Embry made was small but extensive, Paul even hovering over the younger teen's shoulder to investigate and give his grumbled two-sense. "She likes the daisies out front, not sunflowers," he pointed out, stealing the pen right out of Embry's hand to scribble out the point on get sunflowers. When Embry looked at him, bewildered, and the boy merely threw the pen back at him and shrugged. "What? Do you want my help or not?"


While the three boys were busily crafting up a plan, with Paul somehow finding a pen of his own to scratch Embry's more outlandish ideas, they were none the wiser to what Talullah was actually doing.

No, she wasn't solely getting something to eat— although she had stopped to drink from a tiny squirrel out of sheer desperation. A plan of her own was set into motion, especially as she neared her destination that came in the form of the Cullen residence.

Her ears alerted her that there were five others in the home, but the additional laughter of a child told her there was truly six. She'd barely grazed the large door with her knuckle before it swung open, a smiling Alice Cullen answering with ease. "Good afternoon, Talullah!"

She was surprised it was the pixie girl who answered, because she was sure Edward could've heard her thoughts running wildly even as she prepared herself to even approach the home from the tree line. Alas, the clairvoyant must've beat him to it. "Hello, Alice."

"What can I help you with?" she questioned, head leaning against the open door as the smile on her face remained unwavering.

For a girl whose family had personally been victimized by Talullah's old coven and Sam's pack, she sure was welcoming. The younger vampire grimaced slightly before her hands clasped behind her back. "I was hoping I could speak to Carlisle. It's rather— uh, urgent."

A twinkle in Alice's am eye appeared as she nodded. "Of course!" came her response. She opened the door wider and ushered the brunette inside with haste. "This way, he's just in his office."

The petite girl led Talullah through the home, thankfully just out of sight from the others who would no doubt cast weary glances her way. Not only was she still associated with the Volturi in some of their minds, but now she was linked to a man who almost killed Bella. Major yikes.

When the two approached a set of closed doors, Alice knocked gently before a man's voice called out to them with a small come in. Opening the doors, Talullah was nudged by Alice to enter the pristine office space before said girl disappeared from view altogether. The blond man seated at his desk locked eyes with her. "Hello, Talullah," Carlisle greeted, gentle smile resting on his features. He gestured to the empty seat in front of his desk, "please, have a seat."

His energy was warm, comforting almost, and it made Talullah slide over to the seat easily. Sitting down, she watched as Carlisle put aside some work papers and leaned forward with his elbows resting on the desk. "What can I do for you today?"

"I have some extensive knowledge of your family," she said, although it was immediately followed by a large wince, "oh that came out wrong— I just, I meant to say that I know you're a human doctor."

Carlisle ignored the first part and nodded. "Yes, I work at the hospital in town," he confirmed, and his gaze turned to one of inquisition at the way the girl's body visibly straightened.

"Sam has informed me that my mother is sick, at the hospital," she told him, jumping right into the reason as to why she was really here. Her hands joined together in her lap, clasped tightly and looking somewhat diplomatic. "I'm here to express my desire to see her."

Carlisle nodded his head, turning slightly to open his laptop. "Your mother isn't a patient of mine; I don't typically work with the... end of life patients," he explained as he typed away on his laptop. He paused for a moment, looking to her once more. "Might I ask, why the sudden request?"

Talullah bit her lip at the phrase 'end of life,' and hearing Carlisle say it aloud made the severity of her mother's situation truly sink in. "I just need to see her," she stated, body leaning forward as a final plea left her mouth. "Please?"

Carlisle observed the girl for a moment. He'd spent quite some time with the Volturi almost a lifetime ago, knew of their tainted leadership style that Talullah had fallen victim to— and not on her own accord. Here she was, asking to see her dying mother, and Carlisle knew this wasn't something she merely wanted, it was something that she needed.

"I can get something arranged for tomorrow, if that's alright?" And the smile he received from the girl across from him was blinding, so much so that he returned it in full before he stood up, and tacked on a, "I'll bring you there myself. But I must warn you that your mother is—"

Talullah sprung out of her seat when Carlisle came beside her, practically tossing her arms around him with a steel grip. An excited laugh bubbled out of her at his promise, and at the fact that he returned the hug kindly. "I'm in your debt, Carlisle. Truly, anything you need, it is yours."

"That's very kind of you, Talullah," he responded, the two stepping away from the quick embrace. "Come back at noon, tomorrow."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."


[ wyn's note ]

carlisle!!!! the GOAT!!!!!

sorta a filler chapter but it's needed before the next one... prepare ur selves— different vibe from when lu saw her father for sure, but grab a tissue maybe?

also ive underwent some major editing/formatting of both punisher AND killer; so if you see that it looks like everything was last updated today just ignore :)

till the next one ;) all love! xx

𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑, sam uley ✗Where stories live. Discover now