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august 15, 2023: 10 am

y/n pov:

"y/n. babe wake up."

i hear someone say to me as they shake my shoulder. i open my eyes and blink slowly. i see taylor standing over me with a small smile on her face.

"good morning!" she exlaims

i groan and curl into a ball. "how are you so happy in the morning?" i ask grumpily.

she chuckles and responds, "i've been up for two hours already."

i shake my head, not understanding who would willingly wake up at 8 am just for the sake of it. turning my head i see sabrina is gone but liv is still curled up on her spot on the couch.

i sleepily crawl over to where she is laying and gently wake her up. she opens her eyes and squints at me and taylor and then smiles lightly. "good morning swift sisters" she mutters.

we giggle and then i stand up and stretch. "what are we doing today, tay?" i ask curiously.

she gives me a mischievous look before leaving the room, leaving my question unanswered. olivia and i exchanged confused looks before following her into the kitchen. the rest of the girls are gathered around the counter, chatting in a lively manner. they see liv and i enter the room and laugh.

"good morning sleepyheadsssss!" gigi exclaims

"it's literally only 10. just because you are a grandma doesn't mean us young folk should have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn." olivia jokes back

"i've been up since 7:30..." sabrina says teasingly

"you're basically their age anyway." i respond sassily.

everyone laughs and continues to joke and tease around for a couple of minutes. finally, the excitement dies down a bit and i turn back to taylor. "so... you never answered my question, what are we doing today?" i ask.

taylor smirks while looking at gigi, selena, and blake before turning back to me, sabrina, and olivia. "well, we wanted to surprise you three with a fun day. we already checked with all your managers and cancelled your plans for the day!" she finally shares.

me sabrina and olivia squeak excitedly, not even waiting for the details of what we are doing.

taylor pov:

i smile at the excited reaction shown by the younger girls. while they chatter and plan out outfits together, i walk over to gigi, blake and selena. selena puts her arm around me and whispers in my ear. "tay, i know you're worried, but we have to act normal. we are all watching and if we still think it's an issue at the end of the day, we will help you figure out next steps."

gigi rubs my shoulder and blake smiles at me gently. i lean into selena and sigh unhappily. the younger girls have migrated out of the room, in search for cute outfits for the day.

of course we wanted time with our friend group, but there is an extra incentive behind this plan for today. last night after dinner the 3 older girls and i met up out of mutual concern for y/n. they were my closest friends during my eating disorder and they were equally as alarmed as i was to see her behavior. she tried to hide it but that just made it more obvious for those of us who know the signs. the big clothes yesterday, the noticeable weight loss revealed by her tighter clothes last night and even just hugging her we can feel a difference in her body. today was going to be our opportunity to spend an entire day with my little sister and monitor her behaviors towards food. if we were still concerned at the end of the day, we were going to make a plan together.

obviously, with the marvel project as well as the online schooling she is doing alongside it, y/n can't come with me on tour. during the weeks i will fly home to be with her but during the weekends im relying heavily on my friends. at least one of the girls is going to stay with her or at least check in on her every day im gone. because of this, im ensuring they are very involved in this whole process.

to be honest, i'm scared to face this reality. an eating disorder is something that changes the makeup of your brain forever. there is recovery from an ed, such as learning to reroute thoughts, or ignore them. however there is no going back to before. there will always be a tiny voice in the back of your head whispering lies to you, begging you to engage in unhealthy activities surrounding food. i don't want my baby sister to be facing this voice. even today, after nearly 10 years, i still hear it in the back of my mind everyday. it would kill me to know this is true for her too.

as if sensing my overthinking spiraling, blake steps forward and wraps her arms around me. they form a group cocoon, whispering reassurances in my ears. i am shaking and they feel this and pull away.

i stare at the floor, knowing any eye contact will result in a barrage of tears. gigi lifts my chin and forces me to look at her.

"tay, are you sure this isn't too much. we all know she is number one to you and you want to help her. but, if this hits too close to home, you can say that. we can handle it so you don't have to immerse yourself totally." she says, gently.

"yeah, we talked after you went to bed last night, and we are concerned about this. we all know how hard your ed was on you, and how it still affects you to this day. we don't want this to make you go back into that mindset." selena adds

blake tucks my hair behind my ear before saying, "there is no shame in relying on us if this is going to hurt you too much. we promise."

my heart warms at their concern and willingness to help my family. i take their words into consideration and survey my own feelings. to my surprise, the only negative emotions i feel are a concern for my sister. i don't feel any signs of being triggered. this is just another testament to how far i have come in my recovery.

"thank you girls so much. i appreciate the offer. but i really think that i can handle this now. i promise to let you know if it gets to be too much for me though." i respond.

they smile at me, pride shining in their eyes as they can tell im speaking the truth.

"alright then, let's go get ready!" gigi exclaims, waltzing from the room. selena follows closely behind her. blake hangs back, grabbing my hand and giving me one final kiss on the forehead. "i love you tay." she tells me.

"i love you infinity blake." i say back

we walk towards our bedrooms together, before splitting up to go get dressed.

after about half an hour we meet up by the front door, all 7 of us dressed in simple but cute outfits.

"damnnn we look good!" exclaims gigi

we all laugh and then head out the doors. as soon as gigis security opens the outside door, paparazzi lights and screaming fans ensue. we are rushed to my car which is waiting outside for all of us. we clamber in quickly, unable to say hi to fans due to the high security threat so many celebrities in one place poses.

once the door gets shut behind sabrina, who is the last one in, we all let out a collective breath.

"well, let the most public private outing in world history begin!" y/n exclaims laughing.

we all giggle at the insane reality of our lives. this is going to be an interesting day for sure!

a/n congrats to travis and the chiefs for their super bowl win! taylor looked so cuteeee. also her and blake cheering together was adorable.

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