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y/n pov:

we are driving back to tay's house now and olivia, sabrina and i are having a grand time singing along and laughing. a few times i have glanced over at the other four and they have been acting so subdued. i feel their eyes on me and it's starting to make me really nervous. there's no way that they could know just based on today but im so paranoid.

after about 15 minutes of this weird dynamic, we pull up to taylor's house. we all get out and rush inside as we are deafened by screaming fans standing outside her door. we get inside and all settle into the living room. at dinner tay and i convinced them all to stay with us for just under a week, because why not? taylor has four bedrooms in her house, one being mine and one being hers. we decide to have blake room with tay, sabrina and olivia room with me, and gigi and selena room together. we leave one room empty because we don't want anyone to feel left out in a room alone. once we all get settled into our respective areas, we all meet back up in the kitchen. it's already 9 pm ish and i'm feeling pretty exhausted from the busy day.

"how does everybody feel about a movie and snack night since we are all pretty tired right now?" taylor asks all of us

"omg yes that sounds perfect!" olivia answers as the rest of us nod along showing our agreement. gigi and blake head to the kitchen while the rest of us go and settle in the living room. olivia grabs the remote and gets disney+ open. we scroll through and decide to watch big hero six first.

everyone gathers slowly and spreads out on taylor's large ass couch. we all grab a blanket and cuddle up. blake and gigi bring a giant bowl of popcorn as well as a assortment of different box candies. i seat myself as far away from the food as possible to make it more plausible why i won't reach for it.

about 15 minutes into the movie, i feel some eyes on me. i look over and selena is holding a box of rainbow nerds out to me. "here y/n! i know these are your favsssss!"

i panic internally because there is no way im eating a box full of colorful sugar, however, i did not act like a normal eater today and i don't want to give them anything else to focus on. in the end i smile at her and grab the box before quickly turning back to the screen, dialing back into the movie.

mentally patting myself on the back for that excellent dodge, i allow myself to zone out during the movie. i hold the box of nerds loosely in my hand, never actually reaching into it or attempting to fake eat any.

selena pov:

i handed y/n the box of candy literally 20 minutes ago and she hasn't made a move to eat a single piece of it. i know the other girls are watching too, and i make silent eye contact with gigi as we watch yet another piece of evidence appear before our eyes.

i look over at taylor and she is staring off into space with a blank expression behind her eyes. her own bowl of popcorn is sitting untouched in front of her. i nudge gigi and point to taylor. gigi gets blake's attention, as blake is sitting right next to tay, and points taylor's comatose state out to her. blake silently wraps her arms around taylor and pulls her into her chest. taylor jumps out of her reverie and smiles sadly at blake before snuggling back into her chest.

i know tay says she can handle this and won't let it change anything about her own recovery, but i am so worried that this could be the catalyst for a major relapse for my best friend. not to mention the guilt i'm sure she's feeling as she has to watch her kid sister battle the same shit she herself barely escaped from.

lost in my thoughts, i don't even notice the movie is over until y/n stands up and announces she is going to go to the bathroom and grab water.

as soon as she leaves the room, i watch as sabrina and olivia look at each other and nod. they move closer to the rest of us and sabrina frowns before speaking.

"tay, i know this isn't really our place, but we are really worried about y/n. she's lost a lot of weight and she barely ate anything today."

"not only that but she's been lying or pretending around food and she has been zoning out so much lately!" olivia adds.

blake glances at the rest of us before turning to the girls and responding "actually yes we have noticed the same things. we made a plan to try to talk to her at some point tonight. who knows how long this has been going on, but we can't let it keep going."

olivia shoots taylor a nervous glance before tentatively asking, "are you ok to be a part of this taylor? i promise we can handle this if it hits too close to home."

taylor smiles gently at olivia and sabrina. "i promise im ok. thank you though loves."

gigi grabs taylor's hand and squeezes gently before asking, "ok, so what is our plan for talking to y/n?"

"well we don't want it to be confrontational in any way, we want it to be an open conversation. we also should not talk about her body so much as focus on the habits that we have noticed. don't place blame but just say that we have been concerned." i respond, knowing how things were handled with taylor.

"ok, so i will start the conversation. i think she will respond best to me, but i need all of you there. liv and sab, i want you on either side of her, holding her hands. don't trap her but let her know we aren't gonna let this go and we care. selena gigi and blake, i need you to help me cover all the gaps. you know how to respond to this, and this is a new perspective of the situation for me. you need to keep me on track and also help monitor her emotions during the whole conversation." taylor lists off.

"sounds like a plan. let's just start talking once she gets back from the bathroom!" blake answers.

y/n pov:

i'm standing outside the living room, quite literally shaking. right after i left the room i realized i forgot my phone and so i turned around to go get it. i heard their entire fucking conversation. all six of them plotting in there for how to fatten me up and ruin my career and my whole life. once they finalize their little plan, i slowly back away from the room and speed walk to my bedroom. i gently close the door and lock it. i start to hyperventilate as i imagine taylor forcing me to gain weight. i can't do this. oh my god this is horrible.

as i spiral i grab my backpack and quickly pack it with a few essentials. i grab 2 bottles of water, my brush, my toothbrush, a sweatshirt, and my wallet. then i ease my window open and climb onto the fire escape outside.

i close the window behind me and lower myself to the ground. luckily the massive crowd has departed as it is now nearing midnight. i break into a light jog, putting about 5 blocks between me and taylor's apartment until i slow.

there is only one person who i know that lives near new york that i would trust to go to right now. if i lie about why im there, i may just be able to get away with this.

taylor pov:

"it's been like 20 minutes, should i go check on  y/n and see how she's doing?" olivia asks, directing her question towards me.

"sure that'd be great, thank you liv!" blake responds for me.

olivia gets up and leaves the room, going to check on my sister in the bathroom. i start to spiral as i think of how she is going to respond to this conversation. i think her first response will be to deny it all but when she realizes that isn't beneficial, i have no idea what she will do. i'm honestly so afraid but i want to help my baby sister more than i want to avoid fear.

"tay, come here" i hear a panicked cry coming from olivia. my stomach twists and i jump up, quickly followed by blake selena olivia and gigi. we race towards olivia's voice, running past the bathroom whose door is wide open showing an empty room. we all enter y/n's room to see olivia frantically looking around.

"her bag with her wallet and a couple other things are gone!" olivia exclaims, panicking

oh shit.

author note:

well hello everyone! i'm sorry for being so shitty that i didn't write for like three months lol. i just have had no motivation what with the end of school and such. i will do my best to update again soon but yeah. anyway i hope everyone is doing good!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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