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Five years ago....

Run! Run! Run! Almost safe! Those were the thoughts echoing in the heads of the four demigods following the satyr. Olive was tired, she wasn't sure how much more she could go. All she could focus on was on Luke's back, guiding her up the hill. Grover was leading the demigods, Thalia behind him with Luke following closely. Annabeth was running next to her.

They were almost at camp, where they will be safe.

They had been running from monsters. All four demigods were runaways who found each other and had become family. Fighting monsters and protecting each other, the eldest two especially.

Olive never had a family, not until them. She grew up the foster system, spent those years either jumping between homes or running away from them. She was six when her last foster parent put her in the same school as Annabeth. The two quickly became close, drawn by their similar interests and their identical gray eyes. They spent all their time together and even became familiar with each others home life. When Annabeth decided to run away Olive didn't hesitate in joining her. Her experience on the streets kept them alive long enough for Luke and Thalia to find them. The four travelled together, evading monsters until eventually Grover found them and guided them towards camp. However, they ended up taking a few wrong turns, allowing the monsters to catch up to them.

Olive was currently trying to ignore the burning in her lungs as she ran. It was almost over, just a bit more and they'll be safe.

She almost didn't notice Annabeth trip.

"Annabeth!" She quickly grabbed the other girl's arm and tried to pull her along, but she ended up tripping on a rock. The girls let out a startled yell as they fell.

"Olive! Annabeth!"

Luke and Thalia quickly turned back and ran towards them, helping them get back up.

"Shit! You okay?" Thalia was quickly looking them over with a concerned look that soon shifted into fear as they heard growls.

They were close. Too close.

Luke looked at Grover in fear. "We are not going to make it! What do we do?!"

Grover looked close to tears.

Annabeth looked at Luke pleadingly, silently hoping he can come up with a plan to save them.

Olive tried to steady her breathing as she held Annabeth's hand, her own shaking.

They were going to die.

"I'll stay behind."

All heads whip towards the daughter of Zeus.

She sighed, her eyes watering. "I can buy the rest of you some time if—"

"Fuck no." Luke's face twisted into a scowl.



"I have to Luke. We are all going to die if we stay together."

Grover stepped foward. "Let me stay, I'm the protector."

The raven haired girl shook her head. An understanding seemed to pass between her and the satyr as they looked at each other. Grover sighed shakily and nodded. He understood she wasn't going to back down on this.

"Its me they want."

She looked towards the other three and didn't hesitate in bringing them in for a hug. She was silently crying. She had to be strong, for them. They were her family, she had to give them a chance to get to safety. She gently separated herself from the hug and looked at Luke.

"Protect them."

She ran off.

Grover quickly pulled the other three demigods over the hill.

They ran and ran, trying to ignore the sounds of fighting. Finally, after what seemed like forever, they reached the camp grounds. They were nearing a big farmhouse. They were safe.

They heard a scream.

All four turned and watched as Thalia fell on top of the hill. She laid there, barely moving. It was clear she was dying.


Luke and Grover held the seven year olds back as they started crying, trying to go towards Thalia.

Suddenly there was thunder.

The four watched as their friend turned into a tree, a force field coming out of it and surrounding the camp. The boys let the girls go as they watched the barrier form.

Grover looked around for any more potential danger before looking sadly at the demigods.

Luke had his arms wrapped around the girls while they clung to him. There were silent tears streaming down his face, a stark contrast to the loud sobbing of the girls.

No one was the same after that night.


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