Salty Taco

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Taco trailed behind the others as they made their plan, listening to their conversation.

"So where do we go now?" Fan asked, he seemed to barely grasp the situation and more or less saw this as a fun adventure.

"I have a vacation home we can like, stay at while TestTube does her science work" Salt piped up "This city is fun I come here for vacations a lot"

"It feels kind of like we're on vacation" Lightbulb began "But with sad undertones"

"Sad undertones?" Fan questioned

"Yeah y'know because all of our friends are either dead or don't remember us but we're at the beach"

"I'm the friend that doesn't remember you right?" Fan said

"Yeah... it's- not- preferable" TestTube barely found the words

"We can be friends in this timeline too you know! I know you're not staying, but you seem nice, so while you're here I'd like to know you" Fan continued

"Do you want to? I think that'd be nice" TestTube smiled, it was a rare kind of smile, Taco couldn't place where she'd seen it before, but she knew she had, and it felt painful somehow.

Salt was staring daggers at Fan, who tensed up in response. Salt glided over to TestTube "Before you start working again, do you want to get lunch with me? My treat, whatever you, like, want!"

"Oh that's alright, Fan and I got lunch earlier" Salt visibly wilted at that "But um- maybe later?" TestTube quickly added

Salt immediately perked up "Sounds like a plan"


At the beach house Taco found a nice room a bit away from the others and took residence.

She had grown used to being alone before meeting Mic, despite how detached from the others she remained, she was still less alone than she'd been in awhile.

They didn't desire to interact with her either, except Lightbulb, who seemed to think she could make her open up. Taco just needed to outlast her until she got bored and gave up.

Taco didn't care to build up anything with these people, she didn't see a point. She was only here to make sure TestTube didn't stop trying to fix this, it wasn't like she had anywhere else to go anyways, she's dead to this world.

She probably could've prevented her past self dying, but it wasn't a huge loss, she preferred there be only one of her in this timeline anyways. That smile earlier was really familiar, where did she remember it from?

Her mind drifted on the past until she became uncomfortable with her thoughts. She needed a distraction. Luckily this house was full of reality show contestants, it was basically a breeding ground for drama.

This place had an open-floor plan design because of course it did, Taco didn't understand the appeal of open-floor plans, there was no sense of privacy outside of bedrooms. It did suit her current goal though. She pressed her bow tie, going invisible.

From the living room Taco could see Salt attempting to create some mystery batter. As she poured the milk it spilled over the sides, she cracked an egg too hard and it broke on the counter. She glared at the egg as if it was its fault.

What is that foolish condiment doing?

Salt accidentally knocked over a bowl and it crashed on the floor.

Fan hurried into the room "Hey what was that noise?"

Salt turned to him frustrated "Didn't I say I'm like, allergic to nerds- get out-"

Don't be Salty (A SaltTube fic)Where stories live. Discover now