Salty Casino

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"She couldn't have gone far, and she has to come back eventually, she doesn't want to still be here when the timeline resets" Test Tube reasoned

"She like, took money from my purse" Salt groaned as she set her purse on the table.

"How much did she take?" Fan asked

"A lot, she'd better like, bring some of that back"

"Can you guys be nice when she gets back? I don't want her to just leave again" Lightbulb spoke up.

"Of course we will Lightbulb, right Salt?" Test Tube looked at her

"Like, fine, I'll be nice to the purse thief"


Taco walked along the street with Mic

"I'm not sure about this, I've never even been to a casino before"

"So I assume you don't know how to count cards"

"Definitely not"

"Oh don't worry, I can help you, and we're only using my money, so you have nothing to lose" Taco reassured her

"I don't want to lose your money, I'd feel bad"

"Well, don't lose then"

Mic gave her a look

"Only joking, I'm on vacation, I really don't mind spending money" Taco left out the fact it wasn't her money.


Salt flicked through the tv, there was basically nothing on currently. Stumbling upon a re-run of Inanimate Insanity Infinity killed her mood.

She couldn't bear to watch stuff with Pepper in it anymore, it made her recent absence in her life feel more apparent. She'd pushed down those hard feelings about Pepper's death, but lately the feelings had crept back, leaving Salt feeling something hard to describe, the best word she could attribute to it was "guilty". Pepper attacked her first, it's not like she had a choice, but nonetheless she had killed her.

Gray was another good word to describe it, she didn't want to do anything because everything felt bland and gray.

Eventually Salt got hungry enough that she was forced to venture out of her room. She headed to the kitchen and ran into Lightbulb on the way.

"Omg, are you like, crying?" Salt asked

"No it's raining"

"We're indoors."

"Oh right, yes, but you don't wanna hear about that, do you?" Lightbulbs tone was teasing, yet her eyes were still wet.

Usually she wouldn't, but Salt was trying to be a better person. "Is it about Taco leaving?"

"Not just her, everyone keeps leaving me. First Paintbrush tells me they want to work on their own, and now Taco leaves"

Salt put a hand on her shoulder, she really was not good at this whole comforting thing, she said the first thing that came to mind.

"I get what you mean, my best friend tried to kill me, and then I killed her"

"Yeah- that was intense" Lightbulb pulled away a bit, Salt hadn't meant to catch the girl so off guard, she quickly tried to change the subject.

"Yeah but um anyways I sorta get it, you get attached to people, and then they like, let you down, and it hurts, for a long time. It never really goes away does it?"

"You're making me sadder"

Salt decided her words weren't going to do much.

"Why don't we go for a night walk? You can see the stars really well tonight"

Don't be Salty (A SaltTube fic)Where stories live. Discover now