Salty Fair

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Salt grandly entered Test Tube's designated workroom "Test Tuuuuube"

"Oh hey Salt"

"I was like thinking, you've just been cooped up in here for weeks now! Don't you think you like, need a break?"

"No I think I'm doing fine, I've been more motivated than ever to work lately, plus I think the Time Machine might even be done soon"

"Yeah but like, don't you think that's like, why you got so burnt out last time?"

"What do you mean?"

"Remember when you had no motivation to work on the Time Machine, because you felt like, exhausted with it?"


"It's because you kept pushing yourself until you like, had nothing! Like, overall, I think it'd actually improve your productivity to take a break! You've like, earned it anyways"

Test Tube considered this "That's actually really thoughtful Salt, a short break couldn't hurt I guess, what did you have in mind?"

"Welllll, this is just an idea, but like, there's this big fair going on at the beach tonight, and I thought we could maybe like, go together, as a date"

"Like us two?"

"Yes, us two, I don't know how much time we have left, and I want to make it count"

"Yeah! I think that's good! Sorry- I just didn't expect that!"

"Perfect, tonight then!"

"Wait, what about the others?" Test Tube asked

Salt thought for a minute "Well we can go as a group, then split up"

"Sounds like a plan"


"Hi! I like, gathered you here because there's a big fair tonight. It'll be like, a fun day out, which considering what we've experienced, we've all like, more than earned, so like, who wants to go with me and Test Tube?"

"Test Tube's going? I wasn't aware she still left her lab" Taco commented

"Aren't you the one who got onto her for taking a few days off?" Salt argued

"That was awhile ago, I've changed"

"How so?" Salt pushed

"My priorities have been... altered"

"I think this'll be fun! I've been wanting to try to connect with you guys more!" Fan piped up

Salt felt sorta bad, Fan really was too normal to connect to the group, despite being very weird in most contexts, he hadn't experienced what they had. He didn't even know Pepper was dead, Salt hadn't allowed that footage to be released.

"Omg yeah, you can like, use this to connect with Lightbulb and Taco!" Salt cheered

"What about you two?" Fan asked

"We're planning to split into two groups" Test Tube added

"Ohhhh I see" Taco smirked at Salt

"So like, are you guys going? I'll give you guys money for games and rides or whatever"

"Hm, I suppose I'll go" Taco spoke first

"Notice how she's like, only interested when moneys on the table" Salt whispered to Test Tube who put a hand over her mouth to muffle her laugh

"Of course I'm going!" Lightbulb added

Once the meeting was over Salt turned to Test Tube "No going into your workroom today! I'm serious, today is like, officially your day off!"

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