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Last para review

Jack-come on Jacob do you really think I saved you because you are my friend. I saved you because I don't want to increase the zombies population.

The moment of silence turned into laughter.


Jack - Sofia where is the inverter.
You said.

Then suddenly a person came in closed the door everyone was worried and was about to attack .
The man said with tough voice wait!
I m not a zombie if u want u can check me

Jacob and Jason checked him and he was perfectly fine

Jack's pov
Who are you?

The man said with a sad voice
I m the member of the army.

All were shocked as well as happy

angelin's pov
OMG! Finally we can go home.

Mike's pov
I m sorry but can I get to know your name .

The army man's pov
Yeah of course, my name is Maxwell.

Sarah's pov
Well Maxwell why are u here?

Maxwell's pov
Well I kinda have both good as well as bad news.

Sarah's pov
Well anything is fine if that is better then this.

Maxwell's pov
The good news is that you guys will be going to the shelter by today evening andddd

Everyone started shouting happily

Maxwell's pov
Well let me complete the sentence
U will be going but the jeep of the army is near your sports stadium or something and you have to go there by walk.

Everyone's happiness didn't even last a minute.

Mike's pov
I think that we should go with mexwell

Angelina's pov
Didn't u listen what he said that we have to go there by walk and there are zombies everywhere

Emily's pov
I think Mike is right we have to go with Maxwell it will be a lot a safer and if we stay in this room we will eventually die. So it is better that we go with him

Jack's pov
I think u guys are right but Angelina is not completely wrong it is dangerous to go outside.

Sarah's pov
Guys, we can go the same way maxwell came in.

Mike's pov
Yeah right, Maxwell how did you come in .

Maxwell's pov
Well I came here ........

That's it guys
Chapter 5 also completed
And upcoming chapter is with a lot of twist.


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