chapter 31

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Emily -dont worry it is us come out slowly (saying to the kids)

The kids were scared to come out but they had no option but to .......


The kids were scared to come out but they had no option but to come out then Emily and Sarah calmed them down....

Soon they reached the base ....
They got down of the truck and mr lee was already standing there waiting for them....

Mr lee -is everyone okay???

Luca-everyone are fine but these kids are injured i said about the rescuers well all ied except them..

Mr lee-soldier take them to the first aid center..
Now came with mee.

They all followed him to the laboratory....

Mr lee-well these are  the scientist who came here to make the antitode for this virus.

Luca-well these are documents and the laptop ....

Then they left from there and went to the tent.

Jason -well I hope they make the antitode soon and we go to our home

Jack -yeah don't worry we will be fine...

Few days later the antitode was made and the soldiers went to mission and caught all the zombies and injectted them and kept them in prison for a month as to make sure they were perfectly fine.

A year later....

Well now they are in 11 class

Emily-bye mom bye dad bye Luca

Luca-bye but take ur bag first..

Emily -uhh ..i m getting lateee..

She went down of her apartment to find all her friends waiting for her..

Emily-hi guysss

Everyone -hiii

Jack -hi class president...

Sarah-guys let's go we are late...

They all started running and they stopped near the school gate .. except ethan(While panting)

Sarah-ethan come on we are getting late.

Ethan -its not my fault that. U Guys are fast..

As ethan reached the gate was already closed..

Then all were staring at ethan..

Ethan-i m sorry guys but still we can enter like we used to .

Ok three, two,one gooo

All climbed the gate and jumped the guard tried to stop but they won't

Soon all got to the class and sat except ethan

Sarah -wait ethan is still there only...

The teacher came. ..

Everyone -gooddd morningggg teacher...

Teacher -good morning sit but next time don't sing okk...

Teacher started taking attendance. was Ethan's turn next as soon as teacher called Ethan's name ..

Teacher -ethannn

Ethan-present ....(While standing at the door and panting)

Everyone started laughing....

Teacher -ethan again u are late...
What excuse u have now

Ethan-well mam today what happened is while I was coming into the school a cat crossed in front of me and it is bad luck na that why I was lateee...

Teacher -but i saw u climbing the school gate with ur friends....

Ethan -uh i m sorry mam

Teacher -ok now get in.

Then ethan sat in his place..

Teacher -class quiet ..

Then the class started .....

During the break ...
Jack -i can't believe all of that was a year ago.....

Emily-yeah ..

Soon Emily went to the restroom

Jack -guys today we all will go to the cafe and have fun..and don't say Emily about it I told Luca to bring her

Everyone -yeahhh

Then Emily came

Emily -what are u guys planning without mee..

Jack -uh...nothing.

Then all went to their home after the school ..

Luca-Emily let's go to the cafe I love their coffee so much

Emily -ok

After getting changed they all reached the cafe...

Soon Luca brought her ...

Everyone -happy birthday Emily.

Emily -u guys here?? ..lucaaaa..
Well thank u guys and how did u guys know about it.

Luca-well it was Jack's plan...

Then jack brought the cake and then Emily cut the cake and they celebrated.

Jack -well here is your gift.

Then Emily opened the gift it was the floating moon.

Then Emily opened the gift it was the floating moon

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Emily -wow it is so beautiful thank u jack..

Jack -the moon is beautiful isn't.

Emily -yeah  it is
Then she whispering to him "i can die happy"

Emily hugged jack...

Well at last it was the happy ending


The story completed..


Did u like the happy ending??

I always wanted a happy ending so I created it ..


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