chapter 21

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Then maxwell said" so it will be better if we divide into a group of two or three and go inside the houses and check "


Luca-yeah it will be better .

Then they divided as their training groups And started searching in the houses but to their suprise no one was alive all turned to zombies already and who were alive they killed themselves.

After a few hours of searching and killing some zombies they all returned to the truck .

Maxwell -well I guess nobody is there and this is the last building left(pointing to the building in the front)Emily and Michael you come with me and rest of guys


Authors pov

After they all went into the truck and jack was tensed because he maybe he knew what was gonna happen.

Then Emily,Luca and Maxwell got into the building they didn't see anyone then Emily said let's go


But suddenly some two men appeared out of nowhere

Emily- run run fastt.....


But while the tried to run two huge bodyguards stopped them.

Emily-maxwell shoot them..

Luca-emily do you know these people???

Emily-noo but I m sure they knew that we were gonna come here .

Authors pov
Then Maxwell said the two men to catch Luca and Emily.

Emily -what??Maxwell what are u doing ?are u crazy?

Luca-yes what happened to you.

Maxwell-be quiet or else (while pointing the gun on Emily head)

Then Emily and Luca were tied while on the other hand jack was tensed then he said

Jack-mike I think something is wrong I don't think Emily and Luca are safe .

Mike-what are u saying Maxwell is right there with them so don't worry .

Jack-thats why I am worried .
Lets go and check once.


Jack-all of you take your guns and take some extra refills and let's gooo.

Authors pov
While they all were getting down they informed Michael to get down as well.
While they got down they saw a truck coming over they were steady incase any body attack them .

Then two members got down from the truck

Soldier 1-be alert guys

But it was Sarah and Mr lee who got down.
Then jack ran and hugged Sarah

Jack-thank god u guys came I think Emily and Luca are in trouble.

Mr lee-lets go inside .

Then they all got inside the building seeing the big guy beating Luca while on the other hand Emily was tied to the wall.

Mr lee-Maxwell what is this all about.

Maxwell-wait how did u get here ?

Mr lee-well jack told Sarah remember when jack came with me to meet Sarah then they both talked to each other in code language.

Maxwell -well jack how did u know.

Jack-well i over heard u that day

Day 6 night time

Authors pov
While all went to sleep jack woke up to drink some water.
While taking some water bottle he heard...

Maxwell -well our plan is going as we expected.
Just call tmrw and say Mr lee to send us to that area.

Jack-with whom Maxwell is talking that too at this time and why he is saying to someone to send us for the he involved in this thing???(Whispering in his mind)

Then Maxwell turned back and jack hided .

Jack-well after that u know.

Mr lee-why would you do all this?

Maxwell -well it's non of our business.
All of back of otherwise I will kill her (while pointing at emily)

Jack-while pointing his gun at maxwell.dont u dare .

Maxwell -well I can and I will or even a better option let's kill mr lee.

Luca-no you can't kill anyone here.

Mr lee-if you kill me. will you leave these guys?

Maxwell-well okk .

Luca-sir u can't do that u know right .plz don't do that.

Jack-all of you go out and sit in the truck and reach the rescue centre except Luca ,Mr lee and me.

Sarah-no I am not gonna leave u all here .
I will stay here

Then others also said the same

That's it guys

What do you will they all survive?

What is Maxwell's motive?

Chapter 21 completes


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