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Author's pov
Everybody agreed with the emily's idea. They said that it will be better if they connect the inverter to fan and one light because if they connected to more lights maybe it would attract the zombies
Then suddenly Sarah said.....


Then suddenly Sarah said guys leave that aside I m hungry. I didn't even have the breakfast today.Because you guys told me to come early this morning.

Jack-ok.but do you think there is any food now.

Jason-even I m hungry and thirsty.

Emily-our class is the beside room. We can check if there are no zombies. We can go there and we can even sleep there.

Sarah -perfect! Well I think it is best idea so far

Anika-but how are u gonna reach there.

Maxwell-first one should go and check the room first. I m sorry I can't go because my hand has been fractured just a week ago and it is not fully recovered yet

Jack-i will go.

Emily-do you think u are some hero or something that everytime u should take risk.

Angelina -if you care so much about Jack why don't you go

Emily-well yeah it's better I will go and check the room.

Jack -r u mad? Don't u know how risky it is to go outside while the zombies are waiting to drink your blood.angelina if u want go you can go ahead nobody is stopping you

Emily-i didn't say that I will go through the door directly so that zombies can attack me. I will go through the window.

Sarah-jack! Wait I will go with her. I m used to these things.

Jack- OK Sarah just because u r going I m allowing. be safe and take care of each other.

Author's pov
Emily and Sarah climbs outside the window and walked on the thin wrong step and they could die. Emily and Sarah were standing outside their class. They saw that no zombies were there inside the room but they saw something shocking. That two students were inside the room and they were alive means they weren't converted into zombies.

Then the two students saw Emily and Sarah they were terrified that thought the zombies were outside the window.then Sarah and Emily thought that to go make to the science lab and inform the others about it. They both reached the window. Sarah climbed inside with the help of Ethan. Emily then suddenly saw towards the ground and she was scared a lot.jack asked her to give her hand but she was shocked and stood there like statue. After calling her names few times she listened and was moving slowly and her legs were trembling because she had a panic attack. Then she reached near the window and suddenly lost her balance but Jack catched her hand in time and pulled her inside the room.jack hugged her tight and calmed her down.she was feeling a little better and eventually she was ok

Jack-r u mad? What were u thinking. You could have died. Like seriously what happened to u?

Maxwell- jack, calm down maybe she has Acrophobia which means she has fear of heights.thats why she had a panic attack.

Jack-is it true that u have acrophobia.

Emily -mmm.. Yes but I am fine now and everything is ok

Jack-like seriously you have acrophobia and still u went out like it was nothing. I could have lost u forever. And u went there because of this Angelina right
Angelina if something would have happened to Emily you would be dead now.

Emily-jack,well if I would not go you had to and I saw that u got hurt in your leg. I couldn't risk ur life.Even if I die it's fine but u can't your friends would feel terrible and don't blame it on Angelina it's not her fault

Jack- (in a sad voice) how can u say like that. I would die the second yo....


Angelina -well Emily your are such attention seeker. You think that u forgave me and made yourself great. When it is not even my fault.

Jack-shut up Angelina don't u dare speak a word against her.
I m tolerating you just because of Emily .

Jacob-guys calm down and let's all of us go to the class by the window.

Author's pov
All agreed to Jacob and started climbing the window to reach the outside wall and slowly walking on the thin wall they all reached the class leaving Sarah, jacob,jack Ethan and emily behind.
Then Jack tied his napkin on Emily's eyes and then he said her..............
That's it guys
Chapter 7 completes


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