Part 1: The Crush

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Hi! I really hope whoever reads this enjoys it! This is my first story so pls don't judge!
Love ❤️❤️❤️
             Lemon 🍋❤️✌️🍋

Linh POV:

Linh stared at Wylie's closed eyes. She was sitting at the tip of his bed at the healers office. She knew she liked him. Maybe more then she and he would ever know. He was smart, funny and cute, but also so much more. He was perfect in her eyes.

But Wylie was sick. Like deathly sick. Before the Neverseen disbanded, their brand new shade had given him Shadow Plague. It was time to forget her feelings and pray that Wylie survived.
                                   Wylie POV:
Wylie woke up to a bottle of youth being pressed to his lips. He drank eagerly, he was so thirsty. When he opened his eyes he saw Naria. Naria had auburn hair and ocean blue eyes, she always wore a black dress. She was the apprentice healer. Still learning the trade. Wylie thought of Naria as a friend but he was pretty sure Naria thought of him as more. But Wylie knew who he liked in that way. He always had.

"Wylie!! Your awake!" Linh skipped into the room in a beautiful short dark blue spaghetti strap dress with a smile as big as the sun and as pretty as the sun, Wylie thought.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a little bit better. It is so nice to see you Linh" and he meant it.

"Look what I got you!" Linh pulled a stuffed animal imp from behind her back."Elwin said he gives everyone one of these so I decided to get you one! Isn't he so cute! What are you going to name him?"

Linh handed Wylie the imp."I don't know what to name him. How about you name him, Linh"

"Ok! What about Mr Nibbles?" Linh sat at the toe of his bed.

"Sounds perfect Linh" Wylie smiled, her being there made him happier, made him feel like he was going to make it through this sickness, he would pull through just to see Linh again.

Naria scowled from the other end of the room. "I think Wylie needs some rest" her voice was steeped with bitterness.

"Oh no, I'm feeling fine, Linh can stay for a while longer" Wylie plopped Mr Nibbles on his lap.

"Actually I should probably go, Tam is going to get worried. I'm not even supposed to be here" Linh reached out to hold Wylie's hand. Then she let go and said one last goodbye.

Wylie left is hand where Linh had let go, it hurt that she had left but they were just friends although he couldn't help but wishing.
                                      Linh POV:

Linh quietly tiptoed through the door of her and Tam's property Wildhollow, the black swan had given it to them as a gift for helping defeat the neverseen.

  "Linh where were you! I was this close to calling the council to report a missing elf" Tam was waiting for an answer, impatiently tapping his foot.

"Well, I.. I was at Sophie's!?" She hoped that if Tam called Sophie, that she would back her alibi.

"Ok, let's ask her" Tam glared at Linh as he pulled his imparter out. "Sophie Foster."

"What is it? Do you know what time it is?" Sophie's voice blared through the screen.

"I was just calling to check if Linh was at Havenfield today" Tam smirked.

"Linh? Ohh yeah, she was here today, we made Custard Bursts and played with Wynn and Luna." Sophie smiled as if remembering the day that Linh and Sophie did not have. Linh was surprised by how easily she lied.

Tam was grumpy but excepted the answer. "Alright Goodnight Sophie"

"Goodnight!" Sophie ended the call.

"I really hope you weren't lying to me Linh. Sleep well" Tam walked to his bedroom.

"Night night Tammy" Linh said using his childhood nickname.

Linh walked to her bedroom and got ready for bed. She took off her light eyeshadow and brushed her teeth. Then she showered and braided her long black hair, she used her favorite elven face mask labeled Starshine Blossom (elven skincare really is the best) then she put on her midnight blue silk pajama t shirt with matching shorts.

Finally she clambered on her water bed and took out her imparter. "Sophie Foster."

"What is wrong you guys! I had just fallen asleep!" Sophie barked through the imparter.

"Sorry" Linh whispered "I just was wondering why you lied for me?"

Sophie sighed. "That's easy Linh. You are the kindest most loveliest person ever. I would lie for you in a snap. You're my friend and if you need 'Wylie Time' your wish is my command."

Linh blushed. "Wwylie time. Huh..don't know what you're talking about."

"Linh, everyone and I mean everyone except Tam and Wylie know you like Wylie. Though I bet Tam suspects. He is the perfect guy for you Linh. Don't let Tam keep you from him. He can't stop you." Sophie smiled warmly. "Now as much as I love chatting with you, I really must go to sleep. Keefe will find any excuse to carry me home after our dates and I think Grady is getting sick of it."

"Night Sophie. I hope you have a good date." Linh whispered.

  "Sleep well Linh!" Sophie waved at her through the imparter.

Linh tapped the end call button and set the imparter of her nightstand. She clapped her hands to turn off the lights and faced the window. She stared outside, wishing that maybe, just maybe in another world her and Wylie could be possible. Them together. Holding his hand. Hugging him. Kissing him. Spending their life together.

Linh shook her head. You're getting ahead of yourself. Let's just take it one week at a time. One day at a time. One hour at a time. Just take it slowly till Wylie recovers. Then you can focus on your relationship. Just let him know you are there for him.

Linh climbed back in her bed and curled up under the sheets. Her last thought before drifting off was maybe I can make that world a reality.
Hope you liked it! Let me know things I can do for the next part. Please don't make any rude or inappropriate comments though.

      Love ya! Thanks for reading!,

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