Chapter 11

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(A/n) Guys , I am soooo sorry! I haven't updated in over a month and it will probably be a long time before I update now as well so I thought I might quickly update while I have a chance. if you're still reading then u, my friend, r a legend! Enjoy!!!
After I said that I looked towards Jade to see if she was alright but I found her sitting on the couch with her head in her hands, I sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around her pulling her into my chest.

"What's wrong, love?" I asked her giving her a small squeeze for encouragement, she looked up at me before answering..

"You're fighting, and you're not just fighting, you're fighting because of me" she said looking into my eyes.

"Don't blame yourself, he just didn't understand, I couldn't help myself but to raise my voice slightly" I said to her pulling her in for a hug.

"Y'know" she began, her head still laying on my shoulder..

"I've been thinking that it'd be easier for everyone if I just disappeared, y'know, left the earth, I'd be happier in heaven with Lauren." She said and as she finished her sentence I separated us quickly looking into her eyes before saying to her.

"Jade, you can't do that, are you really going to let James and your mum go through that same pain you went through, you were lucky enough to have your brother there to support you, but who's going to support him when you're gone? Jade, don't do this to your family, don't do this to us, I know, we just met the other day, but you feel like family already, you mean more to people than you realise so I'm going to open your eyes for you..." I said slowly, watching her eyes trying to find hesitation in my facial expressions, to see if I know what I'm talking about, after a couple of seconds I continued..

"When you told James what happened between you and Luke, what did he do? He beat the living day lights out of him,.when I found him beating you up in an ally, what did I do? I beat him up as well. Your mum buys you the expensive anti-depressant pills so she can see you happy again . James hasn't spoken to us since he moved schools but guess why he started talking to us again? to help you." I told her, she lifted her head from my shoulder to look at my face.

"what if I stuff up again?" she asked me, now i'm confused, what did she stuff up?

"jade, you didn't stuff up anything?" I said but it came out more as a question, she just shook her head.

"you know the car crash outside the hospital?" she asked, what's that have to do with anything? none-the-less I nodded before tilting my head to the side, confused.

"I caused it, I attempted to get run over but it just ended up with the car swerving off to the side and crashing into the tree. That person could be dead! and it's all my fault Calum! it's all my fault..." she got loud during the middle but ended in a whisper, now she's quietly sobbing into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her small figure before lightly placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Jade? You wanna go home?" I asked her, lifting her chin so I can see her face, she didn't say anything, just silently nodded, she stood up and went to the door, she looked back at Alex and gave him a small smile before walking out the door, I had completely forgotten he was there. I just nodded his way as I walked past him before climbing down the ladder to the ground. I placed my arm around her shoulder before guiding her back towards her house. I stopped at her door about to open it when it opened on it's own.

"CALUM! How are ya' man? JADE! Ya' warmin' up to I Calum I see?" James exclaimed, wriggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way while talking to Jade, causing me to remove my arm from around her shoulder.

"He was just helping me home" she answered, he looked at me with a questioning look before inviting me in to stay. I walked in and shrugged off my jacket before placing it neatly on the side of the couch before collapsing on it.

"sure Calum, make yourself at home" James said sarcastically, I groaned in return as my face was smushed into the couch, I heard a girly giggle at my response and my head flew up and my eyes widened in realisation then in shock when I looked to see Jade smiling down at me. I sat up and smoothened out my shirt before clearing my throat and beginning to talk.

"sorry, I'm just really tired, y'know from kicking Luke's ass" I chuckled lightly before realising what I said as James gave me a strange look and Jades eyes widened so I quickly corrected my wording.

"I mean at Fifa, he's hopeless at it." I nervously chuckled while rubbing the back on my neck.

"really? He use to be the best?" James said sounding confused, crap! what do I say?!

"ah, urm, yea well uh, y'know, uhhhh..." I couldn't think of an excuse so I just sat there making stupid noises.

"it's been awhile snce you've seen them play James, you never know, Luke might've lost his charm and the rest might've gotten better, but let's not talk about him right now, it still hurts to think about the past y'know?" Jade said, putting on a sad face towards her brother. I smiled towards her, mentally thanking her for saving my neck, she just gave me a smile and nod in return, making it not so obvious to James who had moved to the kitchen to get drinks.

"hey, did you hear about the crash outside the hospital? crazy stuff isn't it?" James said returning to the living room, giving us each a drink. We just nodded while taking a sip of our coke.

"so, I was wondering, since you like One Direction< how about we take you to a concert, they're coming to Australia soon I heard, you'd like that ay Jade?" he asked, Jade just shrugged and nodded. Jade was too busy staring at her drink, and I was staring at her, wondering what's going through her mind while James was telling a joke, but I got snapped out of my thinking when James nudged Jade in the stomach lightly but she hissed out in pain. James hit one of her bruises.

At first he looked confused then he forced Jade to stand and let him lift up her shirt a bit to see a big purply- blue bruise, James' eyes widened before he looked at me then back at Jade before lightly touching the bruise and she hissed again before roughly pulling her shirt back down.


SO that was my update and im so so so so so so sorry it took so long but I hope it was a long update and I'm meant to be doing my assignment right now but we have a double period so I was just like 'what the heck? they've waited long enough' so I've been hiding the laptop everytime a teacher walked past in the past 2 hours so here you go, an update. please don't give up on my book, it's just that it's really hard to get onto wattpad now so I'm only on every once in a while but if you're still reading this thank you soooo much and hopefully i'll update again next week if I have another double period. aannnddd...... CAN YOU BELIEVE LOUIS' GONNA BE A DADDY?! I still can't believe it, my heart broke when I heard but I'm still happy for him and hope it's a nice, cute and healthy baby, now I'm done my rant so good bye hopefully i'll see update again next week

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