3 - Best Night Ever

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"And that's all, my loves. See you in another video." With a final wave and blown kiss to the camera, I end the recording and let out a contented sigh. Yet another video was completed. I lean back against my comfy chair and review the footage, making sure it's up to my standards before scheduling it for upload. Okay, it is good; the hours spent scripting, filming, and editing were all worth it in the end.

I glance at the clock on the wall and realize that I've been filming for hours. Time always seems to slip away when I'm busy creating content, but it's fine; I love what I do. I don't know what I could be doing if being an influencer wasn't my career. I mean, I would have probably carried on my medical studies and saved lives, but that's not what I wanted and I would have become one of those doctors who just go through the motions without true passion. No, this, right here, talking to my followers, sharing my thoughts and experiences, is where I feel alive.

Apart from my family breathing down my neck for not choosing the conventional path of a medical career, like my two older siblings and the rest of my relatives, I've never once regretted my decision to pursue a career as an influencer. Sure, I doubted myself at the start of it all, wondering if I was really that creative and inspiring of a person to make a career out of sharing my life online. But it was, in fact, through those doubts that I got to understand myself more. And then I realized that perhaps I wasn't meant to save lives, only to touch them in a different way, one video at a time. 

I stretch my arms above my head, feeling the satisfying crack in my back along with the exhaustion creeping in. Creating content is exhilarating, but it's also draining. I make a mental note to take a break after this and treat myself to something nice—a bubble bath, maybe, or a cozy evening with a book.

I reach for my phone, instinctively checking for any notifications. The screen lights up with messages from fans, friends, and collaborators. It's always heartwarming to see the positive feedback and messages of support, but right now, I crave solitude. So, turning off my phone's notifications, I make my way out of my room and head to the kitchen to make myself a quick snack. I'm kinda starving. 

I shuffle over to the coffee maker and start brewing a fresh pot before rummaging through the pantry, searching for something quick to munch on. My eyes land on a bag of crunchy granola bars, and I grab one, tearing it open with a satisfying rip. This is the only thing I've been eating for the past few days along with some fruits and vegetables. It's easy and convenient since I'm a pretty bad cook, but it's also helping me stay in shape and not gain those dreaded "influencer 15" pounds. However, I'd like to eat something that satisfies not just my hunger but also my soul sometimes.

When my coffee is ready, I sit down at the kitchen table and open my laptop. My schedule is packed—brand deals, upcoming collaborations, video ideas, and whatnot. There's a dinner party tonight that I must attend because Steph made sure to highlight it and even put exclamation points next to it on our shared calendar. I think I know why; I missed a similar event last month because I was sick and forgot to RSVP in time, leaving Steph to handle the apologies and explanations. She was not happy about it, to say the least, and she made sure to remind me of it several times since then.

Steph is both my best friend and my manager, she's the one person in my life who's not afraid of putting me in my place when I'm being a brat, and the one person that loves me unconditionally and always has my best interests at heart. She also has an immaculate style and makes me look so freaking good in front of the camera. I'm lucky to have her in my corner.

When I'm done checking my schedule and replying to some emails and messages, I close my laptop and head to the bathroom to freshen up for the evening ahead. I turn on some calming music and get inside the bathtub that I filled with warm water and bath oils that probably cost more than my monthly grocery bill. But hey, a girl needs to treat herself sometimes, right? I, of course, take pictures of the setting and post the best one on my story along with the brand tagged big and bold. Kind of the equivalent of a virtual thank-you note. 

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