8 - Perfume Paradox

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"And then he goes and says I'm not his damn type. As if he even has a chance with me." I rant to Steph the next day, pacing back and forth in my apartment. Her eyes are glued to her laptop's screen and I know she must be busy with the schedule my father had sent her to sync with mine. "He's just so arrogant, acting like he's doing me some huge favor by agreeing to this arrangement. I can't stand him!" And to think I have to pretend to be married to him? It's enough to make me want to scream.

Steph looks up from her laptop, her brow furrowed in concern as she takes in my agitated state. "Senny, I know it's frustrating, but try to stay calm. Getting worked up won't help anything."

"I know, I know," I sigh, collapsing onto the couch. "It's just hard to wrap my head around the fact that I have to pretend to be married to someone like him. Dad is making me live a nightmare by forcing me into this arranged marriage for his own benefit, and I feel like I'm suffocating." The arranged marriage, the argument with Ujin, and the pressure from my father—it's all becoming too much to handle. "Lee Heeseung is not even that great of a person, you know? He's cocky, and arrogant, and seems to think the world revolves around him. And now I'm supposed to act like I'm madly in love with him? It's ridiculous."

"I hate to break it to you, Senny, but the man is all over social media. He doesn't do commercials but everything he wears or uses gets sold out in a matter of hours. He's a walking advertisement for luxury brands, and people eat it up." Steph says, her fingers tapping on her laptop as she scrolls through various articles and posts. "His fan page has over 9 million followers, I can only imagine the amount of followers he'd have when he actually decides to open his own official account. It's insane." I groan in frustration, burying my face in my hands. "People are already speculating about your 'relationship' with him. Since you don't post about Ujin, they think he's the one you're dating and it's actually good for the whole arrangement. But then there's Ujin-"

"I'm not breaking up with him." I lift my head from my hands and sit up. "This arrangement is only for a year. It will end before I even know it, it doesn't make sense to end things with Ujin when I love him." Steph winces at my words and I know she doesn't really like Ujin, but she respects my decision nonetheless.

"I know it's a tough spot to be in, Senny. But you'll find a way to make it work. And who knows? Maybe this whole thing will bring you more success in your career. The moment you announce your marriage, the web is going to explode. It's a publicity goldmine."  

"Well, as long as I don't have to spend so much time with him." I sigh. "Enough of that idiot, do you have an idea of what I can wear to tomorrow's event?" I don't tell her that I've been busy memorizing my apology to Ujin, rehearsing every word in my mind over and over again.

Steph's face brightens at the change of topic, her fingers already flying over her laptop keyboard as she pulls up some options. "Of course! I've got a few ideas in mind. Since it's a formal event, maybe we should go for something elegant..." Her words blur when I lay on the couch and stare at the ceiling, but when it's the event's day and she pulls out a black dress with intricate lace detailing and a sleek silhouette, I can't help but gasp. It's perfect. 

I slip into the dress with Steph's help and the fabric hugs my curves in all the right places. I put my hair in a bun, letting a few strands fall down against my neck, framing my face. With a final touch of makeup and a pair of elegant heels, I feel like a million dollars. My father's driver drives me to the venue where the event is held and I call Ujin, hoping to catch him before the event starts. After a few rings, he picks up. "Hey, where are you? I'm heading to the venue." 

"I'll be waiting at the back door. Meet me there." With that, he hangs up and I swallow the lump that forms inside my throat. It's my fault, after all, I shouldn't be so surprised to hear his voice cold and distant. Putting my phone inside my purse, I let out a heavy sigh and go over the speech I've been practicing in my head, hoping to make things right. When I arrive and the car pulls up to the venue, I quickly make my way through the crowd and to the back room, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ujin. And when I do, my stomach flutters with butterflies and I run to him. "Sena." 

I watch as he turns to me, his eyes slightly widening when his gaze drops to my dress. My body. Ujin always loved my body, he always found ways to make me feel beautiful and desired, even on my worst days. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" Before I get to recite the speech I've been rehearsing in my head and in front of the mirror, Ujin wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me as if the world around us ceases to exist. 

As Ujin pulls away, I stare at him, frowning slightly as I wonder from where he might have gotten that scent. "So you finally got back to your senses, babe." He says, no sign of guilt in his eyes. 

"This perfume... it's mine. I stopped wearing that perfume months ago," I say, unsure of what to feel. "Where did you get it?"

Ujin's expression falters for a moment, a flicker of panic crossing his features before he frowns. "I knew you liked this perfume so I bought you another one because you stopped wearing it. I wanted to surprise you, but I must have accidentally sprayed some on myself while I was picking it out. Why? Do you think I'd cheat on you, Sena?" His words hit me like a blow to the chest, but when he pulls me closer and hugs me like I'm the most precious thing in his world, the doubt lingering in my mind begins to dissipate. Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe Ujin is telling the truth and I'm just letting my insecurities get the best of me.

"Of course not, I was just... surprised." If he went out of his way and bought me perfume, I should be happy, right? I should be grateful. But why do I feel uneasy? Why is my stomach churning with uncertainty? I try to push aside the nagging doubts, forcing a smile as I bury my face in Ujin's chest. I did miss being in his arms, his warmth and affection a familiar comfort.

He brushes a strand of hair away from my face and kisses my forehead. "I missed you, Sena, don't you ever argue with me like that, okay? You're only going to make us part ways when you know how much I love you." Of course, I'm wrong, Ujin would never intentionally hurt me. He's always been there for me, through thick and thin, and I know deep down that he cherishes our relationship as much as I do. How am I so blind to his love and devotion? "I'll meet some people and come back for you. Go and freshen up a bit. You look stunning tonight."

With that, I'm left alone among a crowd I know no one in particular. All of them are medical professionals attending the gala event, each engrossed in their own conversations and networking. I feel so out of place, and suddenly, my father's words about my career not being enough come rushing back to me.

"Is that Sena?" I hear my name roll out of someone's mouth and I turn around, the sight of a familiar figure making my stomach sink to the ground. It's the same girl from the previous dinner party, the one who smiled in my face and once I turned my back, she spoke ill of me.  As she approaches, her smile feels more like a smirk, and I brace myself for whatever she's about to say. "You're invited too?" 

"Oh, yeah," I fake a smile, trying my best not to show her just how uncomfortable she makes me. I also can't tell her about my boyfriend because no one knows who he is, so I lie. "A friend of mine invited me." The way she nods as if she's barely listening to my response only adds to my discomfort. I don't know why she's so fake and condescending towards me. Maybe she just enjoys belittling others to feel superior, or perhaps it's because she can never reach the same level of success as me even if she tries, and it eats away at her. 

"Yeah, I was surprised to see you here. But anyways, have fun, my friends are waiting." She waves at me, her fingers curling dismissively before turning to walk away. But right then, I smell the same faint scent of perfume that had lingered on Ujin's clothes earlier, and I'm frozen, watching her smile happily as if she didn't just leave me with a heavy heart and a stomach twisted in knots.

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