13 - Confrontations

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Seeing Sena standing in front of the building where I live wasn't what I expected when I was coming back home late that night. She's standing there with someone I've never seen before, but I can put the pieces together and realize it must be Ujin, her boyfriend. He's glaring at her and for some reason, it makes my blood boil. The way he yells at her, the way even his body language screams dominance and aggression, it's enough to make my fists clench at my sides.

What I need to do is ignore her and go back home because I promised I wouldn't interfere in her personal life, but why do I find myself walking to her, holding her arm as I pull her away from this motherfucker's reach? I don't turn to her, but I can hear her crying. I stare at the supposed Ujin, Sena's boyfriend, but my mind is racing with anger. How dare he treat her like this? How dare he speak to her with such disrespect? I know I haven't been much nicer to her, but seeing someone else do it, especially someone who's supposed to care about her, it's infuriating.

"Leave her alone before I report you for harassment, you piece of shit," I growl, my voice low and dangerous. I don't care who this guy is or what his relationship with Sena is; no one deserves to be treated like that. "I'll break your fucking face if you keep on talking to her like that."

The man's expression shifts from confusion to utter anger and he scoffs, his face contorting with rage as he glares at me. "And who the hell are you?"

I can't believe he's still standing there, glaring at me as if he has every right to treat Sena like garbage. My jaw tightens in anger. "Who the fuck am I?" Is this who Sena loves? The man that she said was not that bad? I don't believe it. Why would she put up with someone like him and even love him? Why would she stay with someone who treats her so poorly? It's beyond comprehension. "You're nothing but a pathetic excuse for a man, preying on the weak like the spineless worm you are. You think you can intimidate her? You even think of hurting her again and I'll make sure you spend the rest of your pathetic life eating through a straw."

Ujin laughs, a cruel, mocking sound. "Is that what Sena thinks? Or does she love me like I know she does? She's mine, and she knows it. Try to take her away from me and the world knows what your little game is all about. I can make sure everyone knows just what kind of person you really are-" My blood boils at his words, and before I can even stop myself, my fist connects with his jaw, sending him staggering backward. 

How can people be so cruel and heartless? How does someone find joy in hurting someone else, making them feel small and worthless? Maybe violence is not the most rational response, but at this moment, it feels damn good to see him get what he deserves. It doesn't matter if it's my business or not, I'm not about to let her stay with a man like him. 

Sena gasps beside me but I don't look at her. I can't. Not when my anger is still burning hot in my veins. Instead, I turn on my heel and walk away while holding her hand, leaving Ujin standing there, nursing his jaw and his wounded ego. "No, Heeseung, I can't-"

"I'll be fucking damned if I leave you here with him so don't stop me, Sena. Don't try to talk me out of it." I hate how I'm snapping at her, how I can feel her hurt radiating off her in waves, but I can't help it. I don't want to hear her protests, not when I know I'm doing the right thing. Not when I know she deserves so much better than Ujin. The two of us make our way to my apartment before I swipe my card to unlock the door, pulling Sena inside. She's still crying, hiding her face in her hands as she sobs and I let out a frustrated sigh. "Do not tell me you're crying because of that asshole, Sena, you-"

"Then what am I supposed to do? Tell me, Heeseung, because I don't know anymore. Everything's falling apart, and I don't know how to fix it. I can't fix it. And now you're ruining even the last chance I had to fix something from this mess." She lifts her tear-streaked face, her eyes meeting mine, and fuck, they're filled with both pain and anger. 

"Ruin? Sena, your relationship is already fucking ruined, you're just too blind to see it. And honestly, it confuses me why I care that much if it is or not, but I'm a fucking idiot who can't seem to stay away from you even when I know I should." My voice is laced with frustration and self-loathing, the words tumbling out before I can stop them. "You could be the worst thing to ever happen to my life. I could hate you, Sena, and yet... and yet, you don't deserve to be treated like this. And if you can't see that, then I'll make damn sure you know it."

I watch as she stares at me, and for a moment, neither of us speaks. Her beautiful eyes that make me feel things I shouldn't feel are red and puffy from crying and I know I've said too much. I know I crossed a line I shouldn't have crossed but I can't take back what I've said. All I can do now is wait for her response, as uncomfortable as it may be. "I..." She starts, tilting her head a little before she smiles bitterly through the tears and shrugs. "I could use a hug right now."

I'm one hell of a coldhearted asshole. But despite my better judgment, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close to me as she buries her face in my chest, her sobs shaking her body. It's a strange feeling, holding her like this, comforting her when just moments ago, I was ready to tear Ujin apart. "It's okay." The way I'm so gentle with her, holding her tight while stroking her hair like I never thought I would, it feels... right. And that's terrifying. But I can't deny the way my heart races, the way my stomach flips at the contact. "You'll be okay." 

Her breathing steadies, her sobs quieting down until they're nothing more than soft sniffles. I continue to hold her, not wanting to let go just yet. But eventually, reality comes crashing back, and I know I can't keep her like this forever. Reluctantly, I loosen my grip and step back, giving her space to compose herself. She looks up at me, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears, but there's something else there too, something I can't quite place. "I really needed that." 

"I think you should stay here tonight." I blurt out. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, or maybe, fuck it, maybe it's exactly what she needs right now. "I mean, it's late and if you want to go back home, I'd have to drive you there because there's no way I'd let you go alone. But I don't think I've ever been this tired in my life, and I don't want to think about what could happen if I fall asleep at the wheel. You can take the couch or my bed, whichever you prefer." My words tumble out in a rush, and I curse inwardly at my lack of eloquence. Allowing Sena to stay the night feels like crossing a line, one that I'm not sure I can come back from, but I don't find it in me to care. 

"Why are you so worried about me?" She interrupts, her voice soft but curious. "You barely know me, Heeseung. Why do you care if I get home safely or not? Why would you protect me like you did, not only once but twice? Why would you punch my boyfriend and tell me I don't deserve him when you're not supposed to do that? This," She gestures between her and me and sighs. "It's fake. You know nothing about me. You don't know my favorite color or my worst nightmare. You don't know how I take my coffee or what music I listen to when I'm sad. You don't know how much of a people pleaser I am or how much I hate confrontation and yet, you're offering me your bed as if it's the most natural thing in the world. I don't understand."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut, and for a moment, I'm at a loss for words. She's right. Why do I care? I barely know the answer myself. I barely know her, yet I feel this inexplicable pull toward her, a desire to protect and comfort her despite our lack of history or familiarity. It's as if some part of me recognizes her, sees her pain, and wants to ease it, even though I can't explain why. "Aren't we friends?" I hear myself ask and it sounds funny even to my ears.

"Friends don't punch their friends' boyfriends and offer them their beds to sleep in," She replies with a small laugh, but there's a hint of sadness in her eyes. "But yeah, I'll take the couch. I am tired." 

"Alright, couch it is then." I try to sound casual, but there's a knot of tension in my chest that refuses to dissipate. Leading her to the living room, I grab a spare blanket from the closet and hand it to her. "Here, you can use this. I'll get you a pillow too." Maybe I shouldn't have offered her my bed, but the thought of her sleeping on the couch doesn't sit right with me either. "Do you need anything else?"

"No." I watch as she wraps the blanket around herself with a tired smile. She settles onto the couch, curling up on one end, and Raven almost runs to her before Sena just hugs her to her chest. "Good night, Heeseung." 

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