chapter thirty-two

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Izana moved from Yokohama to Tokyo last spring. Soon after, Emma followed and attended her senior year of middle school in Tokyo. It's ironic how he feels suffocated inside their big mansion with a lot of maids but feels a lot at ease in a three-bedroom apartment without any help.

Being constantly monitored by his father, being surrounded by people pretending to be his friends for the perks he can provide, and being confessed to by girls that he thought had genuine feelings for him but turns out they only dated him solely because of his wealth drained him mentally. That's why he made a deal with his father... Two years of freedom in exchange for dedicating his life to managing their company. He just needs to breathe a little, and surprisingly, his father agreed.

Transferring to your school made his boring life a little bit lively. He can now lay back a little, choose his own club, and do whatever he wants without reservation. Even though some of his days are ruined because you always pester him, it's still better than his life in Yokohama.

He simply wants a life in which no one knows about his wealth, to move around freely without being criticized, and to be a normal teen. That's all he wants... But things changed when you came into the picture. Well... forcefully came into the picture, and since then, his heart has started to gradually fail...

or at least that's how he interprets his "symptoms."

I don't want to die!

"Emma! Emma!" Izana yelled as soon as he entered the house, then quickly placed his bag on the living room couch. He seemed in a panic, as if his life were in danger.

"Yes?" Emma peered from the kitchen. She's making iced chocolate with vanilla ice cream for her and Mikey, their other sibling, who's visiting them for the weekend.

"Call our doctor. Please arrange an appointment for me."

"What?" Emma exclaimed as she frantically left what she was doing and approached her brother. "Why? What happened? Are you hurt? Do you feel something wrong?"

Izana let out a sharp sigh and sat on their long black couch. He then loosened his tie before answering. "Yes! Lately, I feel like my heart is beating strangely. I mean, it suddenly loses its rhythm, like it beats twice as fast as the normal heartbeat, and then my face is burning up to the point that I can feel it on my scalp! That's not normal, right? That's a sign of heart failure, right?"

"It could be, but we don't know for sure." Emma paused and rubbed her chin. "Have you been stressed lately? Did Dad pressure you again to train for the company? He promised to let you enjoy your last two years of high school. That old man! I should call him!"

"No! That's not..." Izana paused as if he remembered something. "Oh! Yeah! That pea brain! She keeps bugging me, getting close, acting as if we're friends! That might be the cause of my stress!"

"Pea brain?"

"Yeah! The girl you were with when we met at the mall,"


"Yeah! Pea brain."

"Don't call her that!"

Izana rolled his eyes. "Tch. Whatever. Just call the doctor, so I can get treated."

Emma didn't respond, as she was analyzing things. Kuya [older brother] is very fit; he eats healthy meals, sleeps on time, and is very athletic. It's kind of strange that he claims that his heart is failing.

Her eyes scanned her older brother, who's uneasy in his seat, convinced that he has some kind of rare disease. Shortly after, something popped into her mind.

"Kuya, do you only feel those irregular heartbeats when you're with y/n?"

"Yeah. Mostly! She's getting on my nerves all the time."

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