Chapter 2: Heart to Heart...

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Y/N helped Angel, Cherri and Niffty with the debris inside the hallway while Pentious and Baxter returned to their Laboratory and Workshop, trying to repair some of the damage that Baxter's accident had caused. All the while the rest of the two groups returned back to the Hotel...

Y/N used his powers to help out the others as good as possible. It is truly remarkeble to see how far Y/N has gotten with his hellish powers and abilities.
Alastor truly was a excellent teacher to his brother, and even he was surprised how much control Y/N had over his powers and how fast he learned them.

If there were a 'power scale', Y/N and Alastor together with Charlie are the top dogs if it comes to powers and abilities. Yet both Alastor and Charlie knew that Y/N could truly do and achive way more if he gets pushed far enough...

But no one wanted that for him.

No one wanted to see Y/N mad. Mainly because he was the one who brought them to life in the first place... and the fact that Y/N would truly give his life just to make sure that everyone else is save...

Y/N wanted to see them happy... all of them... that no one had a need or want because they already have everything they'll need... The Hazbin Crew and the I.M.P Gang knew this...
And so one of the last things they ever want to see is Y/N snaping... or losing control over himself in a fit of rage for example...

They all knew he wanted them to be happy... and they can only return this favour.

Yet as Y/N, Angel and Cherri are about to finish their debris cleaning duty, with Niffty who was zooming all over the place cleaning like a madlas, the four armed Pornstar silently went over to Cherri. Speaking with a whisper.

AD: "Sooo... you got everything ready for tonight?"

Cherri just smiled smugly as she presented Angel a large bag with the word 'Swag' on it.

CB: "You know it. You think the others will like our lil' idea?"

AD: "Fucking yes. The stuff will look far better here with us then behind a stupid glass box."

Y/N stood up after getting rid of the debris and Cherri quickly hid the bag again. Both Angel and Cherri stood up also, while Niffty was in a cleaning frenzy.

Y/N: "And there we go, lads!"

AD: "Thanks again, Y/N. But you know you didn't had to help us, right?"

CB: "Exactly, Y/N. You were working at the Music Departement almost the whole day after you helped Baxter out in his lab. Don't you think you need a break?"

Y/N: "Ah, nonsense. You guys know that i always have time for all of you."

AD: "Just sayin', Y/N. We just don't want to stress ya ass off, ya know?"

Y/N just gave them his usual smile... a smile that tells them, 'don't worry about me'...

After the cleaning session was done, the small group returned back to the Hotel lounge. Of course Angel would go to the Bar, flirting with Husk. Cherri just went to the couch to chill. And Niffty....

Niffty just does what she does best. Grabbing her large sewing needle and a knife and going on the hunt for anything that doesn't belong inside the Hotel.

(Everyone is to 80% sure that Niffty is harmless to everything that is bigger then a cockroach)

Y/N just sighs happily.

But then a voice took his attention... Millie... who stood behind him... looking up at him.

MI: "Hey, Y/N... can i talk to you for a second?"

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