Chapter 5

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I am not talking to Rachel ever again, she always gets on my nerves. "Are you guys coming to tomorrow's game, I recently joined the team so i will be playing for the first time" said Archie "of course we'll be there, we would never miss your first game" I said " who are you gonna ask to wear your jersey" said Valentino "Is it important to do that , because Olivia and I aren't exactly a couple yet and it would be weird to ask her"replied Archie "It is not important but it is considered tradition" "Bella could wear your jersey, i am sure she would be okay with it right bell?" Valentino added after a few seconds. "Yeah, sure" I said.

I felt someone was standing behind me so I turned around to see who it was and of course it had to be Alex, at this point I could swear he is following me. "Hey, you guys did not invite me to your dinner party, I am saddened" He said putting a hand over his heart and pretending to be heart broken. Before I could say anything Valentino asked him if he wanted to join us and that's when Rachel appeared, "you are here too" Sophie said annoyed at the fact that Rachel was here , i had just told them about what happened and none of them wanted to see her right now. "I hope you don't mind if we join you" said Rachel while sitting down right in front of me "actually-" Jane started saying but I had to cut her off by putting a hand over her mouth since I did not want to cause a scene. We had the rest of the dinner in silence because all of us knew if we said anything it might turn into a fight.

"Let's go get ice cream" I said after we left the restaurant and it was just me and Jane , I feel like we have not been spending a lot of time together lately " let's go to funfetti , they have the best ice cream" said Jane. "How is it going with you and Grayson" I said "what do mean" she replied "How can you be so oblivious , everybody knows you like each other" I argued "Fine, l like him but I don't know if he likes me too and we are finally becoming friends, I don't want to ruin that" she said in a sad tone "trust me, if you saw the way he looked at you , you would not be saying that, he definitely likes you but I think he believes you don't like him back that's why he hasn't said anything"i said " okay, enough about me, what's up with you and Alex" she said changing the topic "nothing" I replied

We reached the shop soon . "What would you like to order" said the guy standing at the counter, "one Bavarian chocolate and one milk chocolate chip" I ordered for the both of us. We ate our ice cream on the way back. We reached home soon, since  Jane was staying over ,I had already asked my mom to arrange a few snacks. We went up to my room and started watching the vampire dairies for the millionth time. We were both tired so turned off the tv and went to sleep, we also had school tomorrow so we could not stay up for too long.


I woke up when Jane splashed a glass of water over my face , I was mad at her for a while but then I needed help choosing my outfit, by the time I woke up she was ready to leave for school, I don't know how she manages to wake up so early. I choose to wear green pants with a white top and a oversized brownish jacket.

(Bella's outfit)

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(Bella's outfit)

"Hurry up, I have not been late a single time the entire session and I have no intention of changing that today" said Jane walking out the door "Relax we still have 30 minutes"i said

We reached school 10 minutes before time "I told you we wouldn't be late" I said getting out of the car and Jane just sighed. "Heyy" Sophie and Hayley said approaching us . "You are finally on time" Said Sophie "miracles happen" I said laughing. The rest of the day was boring, I almost fell asleep during class but I somehow made it through the day. "What are you wearing to the game?" Asked Sophie while going back home "i don't know yet, I'll decide later"I said . I took a nap after going home.

It is currently 3:30 and the game starts at 5:00. I got out of bed to get dressed , I put on the same outfit I wore to school since I did not feel like picking out a new one. I was putting on my shoes when my phone started ringing "Hey Bell" Said Archie "Hiii" I replied "the game starts in 30 minutes, where are you" He said "Don't worry, I won't be late, I was just about to leave" I replied while getting out of the door. "See you soon" I said and cut the call.

"On time for the second time today, where did the sun rise from"Said Hayley as I made my way towards them . "I can be on time , I am not always late" I said stopping in front of them "when was the last time you were on time except this morning" Added Jane "okay, you don't have to be mean about it,I will try not to be late in the future" I said " Lets go the game starts soon" said Jane .

We made it inside before the game started , we are currently winning but , it is a close competition the other team still has a chance at winning "Are you dating Archie?" said Rachel appearing out of nowhere "No, but who I date is none of your business" I said and she scoffed "you don't need to lie to me, You are wearing his jersey and cheering for him , If that does not mean you are dating, I don't know what does" she said arrogantly , I did not bother replying to her and brought my attention back to the game which had now ended and we won but, I noticed two people fighting one of them was Alex and ,I don't recognise the other one but he is a player from the opposing team. Everyone was trying to get them to stop fighting it was chaos.

I am not a fan of fights so , I left .For some reason,I did not feel like driving and was just sitting in my car that is when I saw Alex coming towards the parking lot. He had a few bruises and a cut on his forehead which was bleeding. I saw him going towards his car and realised he was not going to the school nurse, Even though I did not like him , I was still worried about him. I decided to go and talk to him. "Hey, Alex" "stop" I said shouting since he was far away by the time I got out of the car.

He turned around with an angry expression and told me to go away "you need to get at looked at" I said ignoring the fact that he told me to go away " I am fine" He said " no , you are not , you are bleeding" I argued "you worried about me butterfly?" He said with an amused expression and the butterflies in my stomach went crazy , what the fuck , I could not have butterflies because of him Nooooo "let's just go to the infirmary" I said and this time he did not argue and followed me to the infirmary but unfortunately the nurse wasn't there " looks like she isn't here so I am just gonna go back" He said "No , you are not going anywhere, just sit down" I said as I collected all the things required to clean the wound , I wasn't really an expert but I am very clumsy so I got hurt a lot and knew the basics about cleaning a wound. Surprisingly he did not even try to argue and sat down , I put the antibiotic ointment on the cut and he winced.

"What happened" I asked, he did not say anything for a while and the replied by saying "He just said something that made me mad" I did not ask what he said because I did not want to push him but after a while he added " he said something about you , he is the guy that commented on your post a few days ago asking you to go on a date with him since you broke up with Valentino and were single, but I think that has changed now" He said "what do you mean?" I asked confused "well, Aren't you dating Archie" He said "why does everyone keep saying that, is it that hard to believe that I was cheering for him as a friend" I said annoyed "I did not mean to make assumptions but that's what Rachel told me" He said "of course she did" I scoffed.

The room feel silent again and I realised how close we were , I finished cleaning the cut and looked at him to see he was already looking at me and then we somehow got closer than we already were and that's when it hit me , I was going to kiss Alex Noooo , I can not do that but I could not bring myself to move, He looked like he was thinking the same thing since he had stopped moving too we stayed frozen for a few seconds but it felt like hours had passed, I snapped out of it and ran out the door saying a quick bye.


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