Chapter 10

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"Give me my 10 dollars" said Jane "Its not fair , I really thought they wouldn't kiss for another week" replied Sophie handing her the money "I can't believe you guys bet on me" I said annoyed "that's not the point here , you kissed ALEX, the same person you always said was annoying, how was it?" Said Sophie "I don't really find him annoying anymore and I was too drunk I don't even remember the kiss and I don't think it was that big of a deal, It was just a dare, why are you freaking out over it" I said "If it was just a dare why did the kiss last for 2 freaking minutes and 4 seconds, yes I counted" Said Sophie "yeah, It was like we weren't even there" added Jane "Let's just move on from that, tell me what else happened last night, I literally remembered nothing" I said trying to change the topic and surprisingly they did not argue and Jane told us everything else that happened "you should see Archie's Instagram, He posted almost everything" Said Jane after briefly telling us everything.

The bell rang indicating that lunch was over and we had to go back to our classes , It was a history class so I decided to skip it , I went to the art room instead "skipping classes again" said miss Winters "technically I am in class right now, just not the one I am supposed to be in" I said "I don't really have a problem with you skipping classes but make sure your grades don't fall" She said sounding worried "They won't , I have always gotten straight A's and I am not letting that change this year" I said confidently "what are you planning on painting" she asked "I don't know yet....but I will figure it out" I replied and she nodded. She has always been my favourite teacher, she never makes me go back to class whenever I come here.


My phone rang bringing my attention away from the painting, it was from Sophie "where are you"she said sounding angry "In the art room" I replied "you were supposed to meet me 20 minutes ago" she said , I looked at the time and saw that school was already over "shit , sorry I lost track of time , I will be there is a minute" I said and cut the call. I packed all my stuff and ran out the door leaving the painting. I was supposed to spend the day with Sophie but I totally forgot about that after I started painting , I usually lose track of time while I paint, I should start setting a timer before I start painting. Jane is going on her first date with Grayson or second if you count the first hangout/date so she could not make it.

"I have been waiting for hours" Sophie said as I approached her "Hello to you too" I said opening the car door "where are we going" I asked "My house, I have a million new books I need to show you" she said "I haven't been over in weeks , we should hang out more often" I said

A few minutes later we reached her house, we went straight to her room. I thought she was kidding when she said she bought a million new books , turns out she wasn't, there was an entire new shelf of books , when did she even install that?.

"I had to get a new shelf installed since I ran out of space, but these are all the new books I bought" she said waving her hand over the new shelf.

"I need to tell you something" she said after a while "I might have feelings for Valentino" she said before I could say anything "I knew it" I said jumping with happiness. "So are you going to ask him out?" I said "I don't know, we are really good friends and right now and I don't want to ruin that" she replied "I am sure he will say yes" I said.

"Let's go out to eat" Sophie said after a while "okay" I replied and started walking towards the door.
We went to chick-fil-A and ordered our usual. "Did you hear about the school trip?" Asked Sophie as we picked up our order "no" I said starting to eat "I heard they are taking us to Paris this year" she said with lots of excitement "Really?" I said confused since they usually took us to some nearby tourist spot every year "yessssss" she said jumping with excitement.

We spent the rest of the day doing random stuff like going to the grocery store even though we did not need anything, then going to barnes and noble to buy more books even though both of us have at least 8-10 unread books at home , we also went to Artsybits to get me more art supplies. After that we finally went home.

"Are you staying for dinner" asked Sophie's mom
"I promised mom I would be home by 8 so I can't" I said disappointed "It's already 8:04" said Sophie "shit why does this always happen to me?" I said " Because you never look at the time?" Sophie questioned "I have to go byeeee" I said running out the door which has become a habit now.


"How nice of you to finally join us" said the math teacher whose name I still cannot remember. I gave her an awkward smile and went to my seat. I really thought I wouldn't be late today, I even got up on time but then I got stuck in traffic, the one day I decide to leave early I get stuck in traffic, Uhhhh , this is so annoying "Remember you have to submit the project I gave you by tomorrow" said the teacher, I zoned out for the rest of the class and did not hear a single thing "BELLA" Alex whisper shouted "what?" I replied " I have been calling you for the past 5 minutes" He said " sorry.....I zoned out , why were you calling me?" I said "I just wanted to say come over after school we need to finish the project" He said "okay" I replied.

Surprisingly I went to all of my classes today , It was boring but not as bad as I thought. I had to cancel my plans to meet my friends because I had to finish the stupid maths project, How is 'History of Mathematics' Helpful , but I still need good grades so I have to finish it.

I went over to Alex's house after school, he had already started working on the project when I got there. "I am almost done , how much work do you have left?" I questioned turning towards him , he turned towards me at the same time , our faces were inches away, we froze , for a few seconds none of us dared to move , but after a while he muttered something which I could not understand and then his lips crashed on mine like tsunami on the coarse beach sands , he pulled me closer , I responded immediately , we came up for breath , that's when I remembered "shit , we can not do this you are dating Rachel" I said pulling away "yeah.....umm sorry I don't know what I was thinking" He said. We worked in an awkward silence for another hour and then I left as fast as I could I needed to get my thoughts together.

I kissed Alex and I liked it , it was definitely the best kiss I ever had but I think he likes Rachel, she is more popular so I wont be surprised if he does and he did say he had fun on the date and they went out again the next day.

I called Archie since he never asks to many questions Jane and Sophie will bombard me with questions if I tell them I kissed Alex "Hey , Are you free right now" I said as soon as he answered the call "everything okay?" He asked sounding concerned "yeah, why wouldn't it be" I said "you don't call me unless you are trouble" He said "That's not true" I try to argue but end up telling him what happened. We decided to meet at our favourite place. We had been going there since we were kids, they had the paint balloons similar to the ones in princess dairies.

"Hiiiii" I said as I approached Archie who was standing near the door. "You look like shit" He said as we entered "yeah well realising you like someone when they just started dating someone else and you are the one that set up the date isn't exactly great" I said "so you do like him , all of us were right" He said grinning "I guess you were, what am I going to do now, should I just ignore him we don't have to meet each other often since we already finished the project and we just have one class together so it shouldn't be so hard to ignore him" I said in one breath "you have a lot of common friends and you spend your time at the same places , so I don't think ignoring him is a good option" He said.

We started aiming the darts at the ballon's we did this for about 30 minutes and I was already calm and covered in paint, we came to the conclusion that I am not going to ignore him we can just be friends, it shouldn't be so hard and I am also going to tell the rest of my friends when I get home.


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