Chapter 12

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"So all of us are going to the trip?" Said Sophie "Yeah" Replied Chris. That's when the bell rang indicating the end of the lunch break.

After School Jane , Sophie and Hayley came over since I needed help with the preparations for the new year party , we decided to throw it at my parents farmhouse on the outskirts of the city. "We should definitely order this" Said Hayley showing me a chocolate fountain on her phone "That's out of my budget and it does not match the theme" I replied "we don't have a theme , Its just new year" she argued "We are not getting the chocolate fountain" I said sternly "okay, but can we order one for your birthday" she asked "fine" I said defeated we scrolled through our phone's and ordered a bunch of random stuff that gave us new year vibes.

After that we decided to go to a few nearby stores to get the rest of the items that we needed. "We should definitely get this" Jane said holding a disco ball "we don't need that" I said "you have never thrown a disco themed party so it might be fun" she said "That is a good idea" I said "okay we are are buying a bunch of disco balls" I said smiling. We shopped for a while and then decided to go back to my place. I wanted to order pizza but Sophie said it would be more fun if we made it at home. "That's a lot of cheese" Sophie said as I was grating the cheese "just a little bit more" I said still grating. It took us an hour to make the pizzas and the sun had started setting.

"How is it going with you and Connor" Asked Jane as we sat down to eat "I don't know, he is really nice-" "And hot" Said Hayley interrupting me "but I think I still have feelings for Alex" I said Honestly "Then why did you say yes to dating him" Asked Sophie "The entire cafeteria was looking at us and I felt like I should not say no, so I thought I would go on just one date but one date led to another and it has now been a month" I replied "you should break up with him" Said Sophie "okay" I Replied, I was never really good at breaking up with people so this is going to be hard "what are you waiting for go" said Hayley "you want me to go right now?" I asked
"you finally had the courage to go tell him so yes you are doing it right now" Said Jane "okay" I said walking towards the door.

I made it to Connor's house in 20 minutes, I was really nervous but I knew I had to do this so 1 got out of the car and rang the doorbell "Hey" He said opening the door. "I thought you were spending the day with the girls" He said when I did not say anything "yeah I was but I needed to tell you something" I said walking inside "okay" He said sounding suspicious "you should sit down first" I said and he complied "Everything Alright?" He said after sitting down "yeah, I...ummm. I might have feelings for someone else and I don't think it's fair to you if I still keep dating you even after knowing that.....I am sorry" I finally said it "Its okay, I kinda knew that but I still hoped it wasn't true" He replied, I feel like a really bad person right now maybe I should not have said yes or I shouldn't have gone on that second date , I was just being Selfish. "I should leave" I said after a moment of silence. He just nodded and walked me to the door. I went back home to see Jane, Sophie and Hayley were still there. I told them all the details and they assured me I am not a bad person but I did not feel true in that moment.


The rest of the week went by quickly and it was almost time for the new year party , I spent most of my free time planning. "You need to tell Alex" Said Sophie "I don't want too" I replied "why not" she asked "you have seen how all of my relationships have ended and I don't think I want that to happen again" I said "I know that but you have to tell him at some point" she said "I will" I replied although I don't think I am going to but she doesn't need to know that. "We are here" she said snapping me out of thoughts , I got out of the car and entered the school.

I have been skipping math all week so I don't have to see Alex but today I convinced myself to go "Hey" Said Alex as I sat down "I haven't seen you all week" He added " I've been busy" I replied "How are you?" He asked, That's probably the first time he's ever asked me how I am , when I did not reply he added "I heard you and Connor broke up and you have been MIA all week.....I guess I was worried"  He said and he did sound worried "I am fine" I replied, we did not talk for the rest of the class and I tried leaving as soon as class ended, The key word here being 'tried' ,As soon as I got out of the classroom Alex stopped me "why do you always have to run away" He said "I wasn't running away , I just did not want to be late for the next class" I said "since, when are you so punctual?" He questioned "Let's go" He said pulling me towards the exit "where?" I asked confused. "You'll see" Was all he said . I really wanted to run away but that's what I have been doing all week whenever I saw him I turned around, I guess I need to stop doing that.

We reached his car and he started driving "where are we going?" I questioned for the 5th time no wait 6th time maybe 7th I don't know I lost count, He had even stopped replying at this point. After a few minutes we were at an empty road surrounded by trees , that's when he stopped the car and got out , I got out after him and saw him walking towards the forest "you are not planning to kill me are you?" I questioned, It was a genuine question since he was talking me into the middle of a forest "No, but if you keep asking questions I might change my mind" He said sounding extremely serious , we walked for a few more minutes and reached a Lake , it was gorgeous, A lake surrounded by tress , the birds were chirping, it is probably the most peaceful place I have ever been to , I looked at the place for a few more minutes in awe of it's beauty. "You seemed tensed the past few days so I thought this might help" He said "How did you find this place" I questioned "my parents used to bring me here when I was younger, I have never seen anyone else around here so I think other people don't know about it" He said.

I went to sit down at the edge of the lake and said "you bring a lot of girls around here?" He answered by saying "why are you jealous?"
"Why would I be jealous?" I said sounding bored
"You are the first person I ever brought here" He said sitting down next to me. We sat in silence for a while. "Thank you for bringing me here" I said sincerely, This is exactly what I needed right now a quiet place to clear my thoughts, It did not really help that the person occupying my thoughts was sitting right next to me but I did come to the conclusion that he might end up dating Rachel because I had the stupid idea to send them on a date just before realising I like him and We could just be friends and I convinced myself this is just a crush and I will move on in no time. "Did it help?" He said "what?" I questioned "coming here" He said "yes?" I said which sounded more like a question "I heard you are the one that wanted to break up so why are you moping around" He said sounding a little angry?sad? "First of all, I wasn't moping around and secondly I wasn't gone the entire week because of him" I said "okay" He said and did not question me further probably sensing the change in my mood.

We sat there for maybe another hour in comfortable silence. The sun had started setting now and I still did not want to leave , it was just so peaceful but I knew I had to go back home. "It's getting late , we should go back" I said , we walked back to the car and my phone started buzzing with notifications, I guess there was no signal back there that's why I hadn't received any messages from my friends for leaving without saying anything in the middle of a school day.

I sat inside the car and opened my phone to see the notifications , my eyes widened as I saw the texts and all the missed calls. "What's wrong" He questioned seeing the change in my expression "Archie got into an accident he's at the hospital" My voice came out lower than intended as I tried holding back my tears , he had been my friend since I was 4 years old , He was basically family by now even though I haven't talked to him a lot recently but I sill loved him like a brother. Lost in my thought I did not even realise he had started driving until we reached the hospital.


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