love at first sight

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(so umm my Friend is the one who requested me this, ok so here we go)

||Ship: mars x Uranus||


*I was playing cards with the earth as usual, he kept on bragging about how he had life, except for us, I didn't say anything because he was my best friend after all, I sighed and told him that I need to go, as I was going far away from my orbit, I saw someone's diary, I asked who's diary it is, no one answer, so I decided to read it, as I was reading it, until someone yelled*


*I turned to see Uranus, I was shocked*

"I am sorry man, I didn't mean to read it"

*I Said nervously*

*Pov: Uranus*

*I grabbed my book from mars and apologized for yelling at him, he smiled and giggled, which sent butterflies onto my stomach, I didn't understand why I was falling for a red planet, Mars waved goodbye to me and left*

*I grabbed my book from mars and apologized for yelling at him, he smiled and giggled, which sent butterflies onto my stomach, I didn't understand why I was falling for a red planet, Mars waved goodbye to me and left*

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(Btw here's proof that my friend requested this ship, also I love rarepairs btw🥰)

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