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The characters in this story


Europa and Ganymede were planning something, io heard them, and decided to listen to their conversation

Ganymede:ever since the moon revolution ended, we haven't planned anything

Europa:you know, titan right? The one who betrayed us?

Ganymede:yeah why, you asking

Europa:how about this, let's throw asteroids to titan

Ganymede:are you crazy!? You know that titan is Saturn's favorite, and if he finds out, we are dead

Europa:good point.....i know something that could get rid of him for good

Io was shocked at this conversation, he needs to warn titan about this so he ran away, went to Saturn's orbit to look for titan, but titan isn't there, he knew he needed to tell the gas giants about this, so he rushed towards Saturn and told Saturn about ganymede and Europa's plan

Meanwhile with titan

He was having a conversation with luna/moon though, and knew he had to go back, he said goodbye to Luna/moon, and Luna/moon went back orbiting earth, as titan was about to leave, someone threw an asteroid at him, which causes his other eye to be gone, titan looked up to see who it was, it was ganymede and Europa, ganymede launches another asteroid which made titan almost flying towards the sun, titan decided to fight back, he grabbed the asteroid that ganymede threw and threw it at ganymede, ganymede didn't dodge it in time and got hit at the eye, ganymede got mad and used his gravity and threw titan directly at the sun

He was having a conversation with luna/moon though, and knew he had to go back, he said goodbye to Luna/moon, and Luna/moon went back orbiting earth, as titan was about to leave, someone threw an asteroid at him, which causes his other eye to be g...

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Ganymede was shocked for what he had done, Europa smiled at ganymede and said

"Great job, let's just keep this a secret so no one would find out, got it"

Ganymede nodded and left

Io and callisto saw everything, they both knew that ganymede and Europa are in big trouble because io told Saturn about their plan to get rid of titan


Looks like this au is about to have an episode, btw here's the book

Y'all should check it out, but rn I have to be focus on afterlife and insanity au so see ya!!!!

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Y'all should check it out, but rn I have to be focus on afterlife and insanity au so see ya!!!!

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