my Headcanons 2/3

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|'These are my headcanons'|
||Part 2||

Phobos and Deimos are wild/crazy/psycho kids to society, dont ask why mars adopted them and also Deimos likes shipping celestial bodies for no reason, and also they watch pretty blood for no reason

Ganymede(ganymid🥰) is being manipulated by Europa(the wanna be bitch), and Europa doesn't really love ganymede to be honest, she's just using him

Dione, she is still kinda jealous of titan being the favorite, but when she realized that titan was convincing Saturn to remember their names, she felt happy and proud for titan

Rhea, mostly hangs out with titan and Tethys

Tethys, has a good relationship with titan, yes they are siblings

Callisto usually plays emo songs, hangs out with io sometimes, is INLoVe with someone
(You already know who)

Triton, taking care of his attachments/step-siblings, is also in love with someone

Titania and her siblings are doing fine now, and yes they forgave Uranus for now

Mimas and other moons of Saturn are fine for now

Zoozve/2002ze an quasi moon, is also like phobos and Deimos but more wild 😈

|'hehe the dwarf planets are next now!!!'|

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