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||they got their personalities back||
||Btw this is part 2 of which personality||

Neptune had to bandage up uranus' wrist after he cut himself again, this was the 6th time that this happened again, Neptune was really worried about uranus' metal health since Uranus doesn't feel the same anymore, Neptune grabs the cutter and puts it aside and hopefully Uranus recovers soon

Meanwhile with the gas giants

Saturn was hanging out with Jupiter until the noticed that titan is missing again, he looked everywhere but titan was no where to be found, he started to get worried now, and Jupiter tried to calm him down, Saturn didn't noticed that titan was hiding behind him along lol, Jupiter saw titan behind Saturn and had to play along with titan, he kinda wanted to laughing but couldn't because Saturn would kick his balls again, Saturn kept on calling titan's name out but there was no answer, and then he started crying, titan had to show himself behind Saturn and tried to comfort Saturn, while the Moons of Saturn just watched

After that

Saturn was little mad at titan but was glad that he wasn't injured or hurt

Meanwhile with the earth/Tierra

Earth really had witnesses about this shit, anyways the earth was really bored in his orbit because he had no one to talk to, Luna/moon is busy talking to mercury, Venus and mars are making ou- I mean having fun, earth was so bored until titan came up to him, ofc Saturn decided to let titan leave for a while

Titan: so you're bored again, because your friends are busy

Earth:yeah I guess so, anyways you wanna play cards for something?

Titan:I am not really good at that game

Earth:it's okay, I can teach you, if you want


The earth teaches titan how to play cards, and it took him a while to finally get it, they played cards for like  an hour, titan heard Saturn calling, he knew he had to go

Titan:welp looks like it's time for me to go

Earth:yep lol

Titan:well it's nice hanging out with ya, I hope I get to see you again

Earth:well I wish



Titan was about to leave, he looked back at earth and smiled, and he left for good, Luna/moon went back to the earth's orbit, he noticed that, the earth has been staring at titan, when he left

Luna/moon:May crush ka kay titan di ba


Luna/moon: 🌝

||The end||

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