"I love you too, idiot"

794 11 4

||ship: Venus x mars||
||Req:no one||
|•btw this is Spaceballs not solarballs•|

*Pov: Venus*

*As I was talking to the earth, I noticed that, mars was looking at me,he was glaring at me, I didn't know why then I realized, was he jealous of me? Did he have a crush on the earth!? I shrug it off and continue talking with the earth,after our conversation is done, I turn to see mars!? He pissed and mad at me, he grabbed my wrist and yelled*

"Why were you talking to the earth!?"

*I knew he was jealous of me talking to the earth? And I said*

"Listen....I know you are jealous of me, having a conversation with the earth because you have a crush on him"


*I looked at Venus with a confused look and said with a sarcastic tone*

"Idiot, I don't have a crush on the earth"

*Venus looked at me, confused and said*

"Then why were you jealous of me having a conversation with the earth?"

*I knew that I couldn't keep this a secret anymore, so I pulled Venus closer and kissed him passionately*

*Pov: Venus*

*I was shocked and surprised that mars actually kissed me? My cheeks started to turn red, I couldn't resist it, so I kissed him back, after that, he pulled away and looked away, I chuckled and said*

"I never knew you had a crush on me"

*Mars looked at me with a serious face and said*

"Oh shut up"

*I chuckled and said*

"I love you mars"

*He looked at me with a smile on his face, I never saw him smile before, and he chuckled and said*

"I love you too idiot"

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