Why does it hurt?

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It was nice, the film my parents took me to watch. It was about a superhero, one that gave hope to the people, one that inspired me. We had left the theater after the film ended, a large luxurious theater that served as an entertainment block for the elite. Of which my parents were, and therefore I was birthed into. The typical bad guy, rich, evil, greedy people. Most films portrayed the upper class as snobby selfish people. And it bothered me, my parents were my heroes, they were nothing like the bad guy in the movie. It scares me, to think that maybe, when I'm older. I'll be viewed the same, as a villain. We walked down the sidewalk, entering what my parents referred to as the worst part of town. I didn't understand, there were a lot of people who always sat outside, even in the cold. I wonder what they are waiting for, why not just go home? My parents hated the lower end of the city, but I always found it majestic. Sure it wasn't as bright and bubbly as my neighborhood, but these are still people. And I like to see people no matter what they look like or who they are. Ever since I was a young child. My greatest fear was being alone, so being near people made me happy. We walked down the pathway, entering an alleyway as the rain started to fall, my parents always told me to never go through alleyways, no matter what. So I guess the rain must've been really bad. We exited the alley and entered another street. A van lay ahead, one that was quiet and still, until the door slid. A man came out of it, he approached us. Talking to my parents, I wasn't sure what they were talking about, whatever it was, it was probably none of my concern. The man lent my parents money and offered me his hand, I had looked at my parents, unsure how to respond. But their soft warm smiles reassured me. He must've been a family friend. Maybe a relative, although he didn't look like us, but that's okay. I'm sure he was adopted, and I'll accept him blood-related or not. I was confused, my parents didn't follow me into the van, instead, they walked away as I was led to the van. He opened the backdoor of the van and lifted me, placing me inside. He told me to sit and I did. Maybe my parents wanted some personal time together? Maybe I was going to school? But it was night, and it was summer. No, no need to think too hard. Right?

I'm not sure how long it had been, it felt like an eternity, sitting there, alone in the dark. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. Struggling to utter a single word, I was too afraid. I knew something was wrong. After eternity of sitting in silence, the door started clicking as someone opened it. A shadowy figure, one I couldn't make out because of how dark it was. But a golden light shined behind him, so I could make out his outline. He reached out to me, and I backed up, too afraid of what he would do to me. "Get over here, Now." His words scared me, I had never heard someone sound so hostile. Not wanting to anger him, I braced myself and forced myself to move. upon getting close to him, he pulled me by my hair. Dragging me out of the van, tears ran down my face as I struggled, trying to get him to stop. "You're hurting me!" I stopped moving from the sudden force of a fist hitting my gut. It was painful, really painful. He punched me, and he lifted me up to his eyes, his aggressive glare. I remained silent after that.

I was dragged into the back doors of a large building, its white exterior matched the interior of the building. Looking like one of those fancy laboratories in movies, this place was huge, and people in white coats were everywhere. Some acknowledged my existence, it gave me hope that maybe they would save me. But they didn't, all of them continued with whatever they were doing, as if I didn't matter. I was led into a room, one with a chair that rested in the middle. The man grabbed me and forced me into the chair. I felt as metal sprang into my arms and legs. It hurt, it was nothing but agony, and I screamed. A loud whack echoed through the building as I shut my mouth, a woman with a prosthetic leg had whacked me in the face with a cane. my eyes traced around as I cried silently, whimpering to myself. Everyone looked at me annoyed, as if I was a bratty child. But why. What did I do to them? "I'm sorry..." The woman looked at me, her eyes slightly puzzled by my words. "What do you mean child." I struggled to pull myself together, my heart felt as if it would explode. My arms and legs were leaking blood from the metal springs that pierced my limbs. "I'm sorry, please, let me go. I want my parents..." I stared at her, waiting for a response, waiting for something. But she stood, staring at me, with no emotion on her face, Until she started to chuckle. "That's cute, you think your parents will save you?" She had a massive grin on her face, I don't know why she found it funny. It scared me, why did she doubt my parents? I'm so confused, what does she want from me?! My mind was racing, and she walked away. Everyone left the room, they left me to sit in the room in silence, bleeding. A gas started to pour into the room, my eyes felt heavy. I fell asleep.

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