Birth of Destruction and creation

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My eyes broadened as I realized I had woken up, my body stiff and my vision blurry. finding myself being dragged into a cave. Whoever snuck behind me had knocked me out, my vision slowly stabilizes as I look up to see her. Tiamat, Goji's rival. I try to muster something, anything. But I didn't need to, she looked at me as she plopped me down on the cave floor. Her grin, she grinned at me, seeing me awake. She knelt, rubbing my crotch. I immediately backed away, shocked. "What? Who are you!" She frowned, unamused by my action, "Don't make this difficult," Her frown shifted to a sadistic smile. " Or go ahead, I like a good struggle." She stood there, silently staring at me with her cold menacing eyes. Lifting her hand, she gestured for me to come closer. I shook my head, I didn't want this. "No, you can't force me!"

She stood up and walked toward me. I got up and ran out of the cave, heading toward the sea where I could escape. I felt something wrap around me as I looked at my feet, she was manipulating the water to wrap around my legs. I felt myself get pulled back into the cave, I was roughly dragged to her, laying flat on the ground as the water she manipulated took the form of tentacles, wrapping around my arms and legs and holding me down like restraints. "Wait, please I don't want this!" I tried to break out, I wanted to. But I wasn't strong enough, I panicked, my heart racing as she stomped on my stomach. The force knocked the air out of my lungs, it hurt.

She kneeled down again, rubbing my crotch with her genitalia as she placed herself above me. Her breasts bounced as she removed the cloth that held them. "I've needed something to break. You pathetic little fucker, I'll give you a new purpose in life, as my slave." She cupped my face with her hand, placing her other hand on my chest as support. She dug her claws into my chest, grinning as she watched me wince from the pain. She leaned toward me, her head next to mine as she whispered into my ear. "Your days of freedom are over." She forced herself onto me, it didn't hurt, but I didn't want this. My body always saved me in danger, it hurt me, but it always saved me from other people. I waited for my body to do something. But nothing happened, why? Why can't my body save me!, does it think this is good? It's not! No, I tried to do something, but I had lost control, my body no longer responded to me, and this wasn't right...This, made me feel weak, weaker than I've ever been. the humiliation, any sense of humanity, dignity. I was being used like a toy, my own will being crushed by the will of another. I couldn't help it, tears flowed down from my face. The salty tears seeped into the cracks in my skin, burning me. It hurt, she kept clawing at me, my chest being covered with claw marks that started to bleed. it hurt, emotionally, and physically.

It felt like forever, but she had finally finished toying with me. She got up and threw me into the corner of the cave. I saw the skeletons of past titans, presumably her past victims. I looked at the cave entrance, she was gone. leaving, off to somewhere. This was my chance to leave, but I didn't. I curled up into a ball, hiding in the cold corner. I didn't want to live anymore, out of all the torment, the torture I had been put through, I had never been crushed like that. I've always had hope, will, and courage to push through the hardest obstacles, but this was different. She used me and threw me away, I felt disgusted at myself, why couldn't I fight harder? Why was I too weak...I had always cared about other people, I thought everyone had some sort of goodness in them. But lately, I've been proven wrong, time after time. Who am I kidding, I'm destined to suffer, perhaps I deserved it, maybe I deserve this all. My retribution for existing, my parents, maybe I made them suffer, is that why they got rid of me? Maybe...I miss them, I know they betrayed me, but I miss them, so much...I miss my friends, the victims of that place, they understood me.

No, I can't let them get to my head, if my friends, the child I had taken care of, if they saw me right now, they would tell me to get up. I need to stand, I am stronger than this, better than this. I can't give up now, not after how far I've gotten. I don't have the desire to live, not for myself. But I am the only one who remembers them, everyone I have cared about, all that remains of them is their memory that lies within me. For their sake, I'll keep going, I'm tired of trying to better, I just need to stay alive so their suffering doesn't go in vain! Every life matters, no matter how big or small, that's what I always lived by, I hold remorse for every life I take. But this time, I won't.

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