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Shin glared at the green plant girl, locking eyes with her. He saw the pathetic look on her face, fear. It felt odd, he enjoyed it, he shouldn't but he did, and he desired it. A large beam unsheathed from Shin's mouth, violent and potent. Biolante screamed, throwing her hands up desperately as she tried to shield herself from the blast. Her body incinerated as her cries of agony faded away. The concentrated beam slowly died down as it dissipated, Shin closed his mouth as he stared at the charred land, not even her ashes remained, all was burned. The heat had dried out the ground, causing it to crack, and the local vegetation began spreading flames, forming a massive wildfire. Shin tilted his head as he heard the calls of the girl who laid wrapped up hanging from the tree. "Hey, you there!" She wiggled desperately as the flames started to draw near. Frantically trying to break out, she called out to Shin. "Help me...Please?"

Shin looked at her, making eye contact. Behemoth felt a shiver crawl down her spine as she saw the indifference in his eyes. She knew he wouldn't help, but she still begged. Squirming as the flames slowly enveloped her. Shin turned away, walking off toward the ocean. Ignoring the cries for help, he didn't look back as the whole island fell. Covered and marked by fire that would destroy every living thing.

Until he did, his toes touched the water. And he looked back, unsure of why he left her to burn to death. She didn't do him wrong, but she would, wouldn't she? Just like all the others who had hurt him. A hint of guilt shrowded him, and his heart ached. Shin stepped back toward the island. But he stopped, he felt something grab his head, two hands wrapped around his ears, covering them. Muting the calls of pain that came from the girl. "She'll hurt you, she will kill you." Shin looked back, but no one was there. He looked back at the island and saw himself standing in front of him. His dopple ganger stared at him, "Don't go back." Shin watched as the flames from the island began to sallow his copycat. "Don't go, you'll suffer."

This confused him, why did he have a clone? But it didn't matter, Shin noticed how the calls for help had stopped. She died...

-Else where-

Dorsal fins pointed out of the sea, rushing waters pushed against the dorsal plate to no avail. A large moth flew above the queen of the monsters, calling out to her. "Goji, this isn't right! You can't go around destroying nuclear power plants! Those belong to humans!"

The Monster Queen ignored the calls of her long-time friend. "No, I have to do this, if that guy grows any more powerful then the planet is sure to be doomed." Goji swam faster, reaching the Bay of France. Mothra flew past Goji, landing on top of a large building. She stood tall, her face stern as she glared at the Queen. "I know he's a threat, but he can change, I can fix him." Goji scoffed, walking past the moth as she headed toward a power plant. Mothra scowled, her being shrugged off was not going to be taken lightly. Goji grinned, leaning over the power plant, she opened her mouth as she began to absorb it. A large web smacked against the back of her head, knocking her into the power plant, and collapsing it. Goji stood back up, turning her head, glaring at the Moth, the two locked eyes as they tensed. The atmosphere became polluted with radiation as the power plant leaked, Goji began absorbing it, closing her eyes as she breathed in deeply. Her dorsal plates glowed brightly as she unleashed a large burst of radiation at Mothra, the likes of which flew out of the way, swirling around the beam that chased her in the sky. Mothra dived toward the Queen, striking Goji on the head before flying back up. Mothra fired several webs at Goji, pinning her down. Mothra charged up, glowing brightly as she dived back down, slamming into Goji. The Queen broke out of the webbing and pinned Mothra to the ground. Clawing at the Divine Moth, whose body had shined brightly, glowing a bright golden light that erupted into a large explosion that enveloped the both of them.

The smoke lifted as it revealed Goji standing on top of Mothra, the Queen's foot crushing Mothra's chest. She screamed as Goji pressed down on her, the pressure began to crack her ribs. Goji tilted her chin up, her dorsal plates charging up as she threw her head down and shot out an atomic breath. Mothra closed her eyes, having no more strength to fight. She embraced the blast as she fell unconscious. Goji sighed, looking at her friend, she had no other choice. Shin needed to go down, and she couldn't afford to be stopped, by any means necessary.

Goji walked inland, heading toward another reactor. Time passed and Mothra woke up, holding onto her sides as she groaned. The sharp pains were apparent throughout her whole body, blood spilled from her mouth as she stood up. Looking around at the destruction their fight caused, she saw a trail of crumbled buildings, she couldn't stop Goji. But maybe she could find Shin.

Shin swam through the vast oceans, unsure of where he was going. He stopped dead in his tracks as he looked around, feeling as if he was being followed. He felt himself being dragged as the water around him started pushing him down, a current formed that dragged him toward the bottom of the sea. Shin looked around confused, anxiety increasing as he felt his heart race. Seeing a shadowy figure in the distance, it became more clear as the Draconic woman grew closer. She rushed at him, shoulder-bashing Shin as he was knocked out of the current and sent crashing into the ground. He looked up and saw the mysterious kaiju girl had disappeared, but his attention was redirected to the sand beneath him. The sand started to wrap around him as he was enveloped in an underwater hurricane. He caught the slightest glimpse of a figure within the corner of his vision. Seeing her swim around the hurricane, he noticed how she swam toward his back. Mentally preparing himself, he twisted around, grabbing the woman by the neck and blasting her head with an atomic breath. She struggled to break free as she clawed at him. Finally, her body went limp as the hurricane vanished. Shin dropped her body, letting it drift away as he swam back. He sighed, recognizing he had killed Manda.

Why did she try to kill me? Manda...All these kaijugirls I had heard about, from my youth, when I was still with my parents. Perhaps I should visit my parents, they betrayed me, yet...I feel as if I'm no longer a victim. Shin rose from the sea, walking onto land as he looked at his reflection in the sea. What even am I? I've taken lives, human, kaiju. Maybe I'm a monster, one that's best dead. I'm not happy, I don't want to be this thing. I want to go home, I miss my dog, but it's been over a decade since my parents sold me. He's probably dead now, I hope Mom and Dad at least treated him well.

Even if he's still alive, would he even remember me? Would he accept me, would anyone accept me...I hate this, I want to go home. Yet that's the last place I want to go, the real monsters live there. Shin felt a sting on his back, he looked, seeing the military had arrived. But they weren't firing at him, and he noticed that the sharp stinging sensation felt like it was spreading. No, it was spreading, Shin knelt, feeling the weight of his eyelids as his vision blurred.

My head hurts, what happened? I feel dizzy, last I remember was being...Was I tranked? Wait, where am I? This large metallic room is somehow big enough for me to roam around in. The palm of my hand pressed against the cold metal surface of the ground. I tried to stand up but my legs gave out, whatever they tranked me with, it hadn't fully gone away yet. The room lit up, as several lights beamed at him, shining brightly in my face.

My attention was drawn toward the people who were staring at me behind the glass panel. It was clear now, this place...I was an animal caged in a zoo, and these people were watching me behind the cage, through this window. But that's not what matters, because I recognize these two people. Their faces, I could never forget. The faces of the two people I had trusted more than anything in the world. Nothing more than them.

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