Fragments (Pt2)

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Hakaishin was walking along the coast. After seeing the destruction that occurred, and the death of the only people he had connections with. No connections to the human world. No more humanity, he left. Shin found himself mentally floating adrift. His mind was in a state of inertia as he walked instinctively. He was lost in deep thought. A tingling feeling that lay deep down inside him. When he first embraced himself as a monster, he gleefully killed Tiamat. Yet after that, he found himself killing off two other kaijugirls in South America and feeling remorseful about it.

The spark of acceptance in him had subconsciously faded. And now he's back at square one. The shadowy figure that he fused with was back and taking over. Or perhaps this was a different one? His body had changed when he fused, becoming Hakaishin. And he was still in that new body. Yet it seems as if he was reverting to his original state. No, he wasn't. At least not physically, although he wasn't so sure mentally. All he did know, was that he had believed he found some sort of peace, but unfortunately, that had turned out to only make him worse.

Shin paused, snapping back to reality as the eerie feeling that he felt once before had re-emerged. Shin turned around swiftly as he stared at the stars shining brightly in the night sky. His eyes traced the sky downward towards the horizon pointing far out in the sea. That feeling, I thought it was that green girl who emitted that. But I killed her...So whatever it was that had breached the world, it's still alive.

Hakaishin rolled his shoulders. Sighing, he took a step into the waters and dived into the sea. His dorsal plates brushed against the incoming waves that splashed against his body as he began to submerge. Sinking lower and lower as his figure faded into obscurity. The rays of light that penetrated the surface water died out the further down Hakaishin swam down. The pressure rose as the temperature decreased.

Shin wasn't sure why he felt such a dying need to go where he was heading. Such a magnetic feeling, something was mentally luring him. Shin closed his eyes, seeing as no sunlight reached the depths that he had swam to. He relied on his 6th sense to guide him. His body collided with the edges of several underwater valleys as he struggled to fit between large caverns. Swimming quickly, his dorsal plates sliced through the earth as he entered a tunnel.

Shin yelped, his rumbling echoing throughout the interior of the underpass as a powerful force started to suck him in. He found himself being pulled deeper as a bright glowing light revealed itself at the end. Opening his eyes, he took a good look at what appeared to be a portal of some kind. However, he didn't have a chance to question the legitimacy of this portal as it was the thing pulling him down the tunnel.

Hakaishin let out a rumbling shout as he fell from the sky, high velocities winds that scraped past his scales. He looked around, his pupils bouncing around as he took in everything. Large mountain ranges that were covered flourish greenery, and large forests of all shapes and sizes. Several herds of large kaiju-sized beasts. He looked up, ignoring the whistling sound of wind that brushed past his ears, and his hair that reacted violently to falling. He ignored all of that as he looked up to see the sky was a reflection of the ground. More land that had its own set of biomes and landscapes.

Why the hell am I in another world!? Is this even earth anymore?! Hakaishin's body began to vibrantly radiate a purple aura as he unleashed a beam toward the ground. Disrupting his fall as the beam pushed him back up a few feet before falling again. Shin closed his eyes and braced himself as he fell head first. A large thump was heard throughout the grasslands as flocks of distorted reptilian creatures hurriedly flew away. Shin stood back up, rubbing his head as it ached from the impact. He felt disgruntled, his vision disoriented.

Shin looked around, seeing such a beautiful, pure world. Or at least that's what he was thinking until he turned around. Hearing growling noises, he faced a large pack of titanic wolf-like beasts. They circled Hakaishin, blaring their fangs as saliva dripped from their rabid mouths. With such hostility in their eyes, these creatures were sentient. Shin dodged as one pounced at him. Another one took the opportunity while he was distracted and ran at the back of his foot. Attempting to bite down on his ankle only to receive a foot stomping down on his head, crushing the animal's skull. Shit felt disgusted as the blood and flesh of the wolf got all over his foot.

He lifted his foot and kicked the air repeatedly, remnants of the wolf's remains flew off his foot. Scattering into the air as it rained down on the pack members that stood in front of Shin. The titanic animals squirmed as they felt disgusted by the gore that fell upon them. Hakaishin released a blood-curdling scream at the wolves causing them to flee.

He scoffed, rubbing his feet against the dirt as he got the remaining bits off. "How revolting, such vulgar creatures." He walked off, where? Who knows. It didn't matter, he had listened to his instincts and now he's in a new world.

Shin had gone for quite a while in blissful silence. He had noticed as the land slowly shifted, bright flourish green fading in color. Eventually fading away the vegetation altogether. He stopped moving. Seeing the cracks in the ground. Dead silence, no sign of life. A wasteland.

It bothered him greatly. Such desolation made a slight shiver run down his spine. Shin's ears perked as he skidded across the ground, having leaped away from a beam of golden lightning. Hakaishin glared at the perpetrator, a curvy beautiful woman with white flowing silky hair that mixed perfectly with her red coruscant eyes. A skin-tight black suit wrapped around in layers of dense bone-looking armor plating. She locked eyes with Hakaishin, giving off a malicious grin. The tips of her fingers sparked with golden electricity.

The woman stepped forward, receiving a snarl from Shin. She grinned, raising her arm as she pointed at him. "You must be the one my sister kept yapping about." She nodded to herself as she held her chin up. Her eyes glossed over Shin, examining every inch of him. "The dorsal plates, the tail, the thicc legs, that grumpy scowl. You must be Gojira."

Shin rolled his eyes, unamused and uninterested in whatever she had to say. She attacked him, and that pissed him off. Really pissed him off. The two stared at each other in long silence as they slowly got into fighting stances that matched their personalities.

This girl...Her aura, it's immense, she's projecting such a powerful presence. Is she...Yeah, she's the one. I've never heard of nor seen a kaiju such as her. Although I am in a new world of sorts, so it adds up. Wait a minute, didn't I sense her breaching the atmosphere? Why is she down here then?

The woman pointed her thumb at herself. Grinning widely as her eyes narrowed at Shin. "My name is Empress Ghidorah, or just X for short." She lowered her arm as she placed her hands on her hip. Looking like she was expecting something. Shin realized she wanted him to introduce himself. This...It made him smile. Finally, a moment to communicate instead of fighting. Too bad he stopped giving fucks a while ago.

Shin released a quick burst of nuclear energy directly at X, the purple-concentrated beam of energy had burnt the ground beneath it. X leaped out of the way as she charged at Hakaishin. jumping into the air and throwing her leg at him. Shin swiftly avoided her kick and turned his back on her, his back glowing brightly. Much to her confusion. She screamed as his dorsal plates emitted several beams that struck her down.

Shin felt pleased, he watched as her body collapsed onto the ground. Laying down flat, she was dead. He walked away, proud. Until he felt something wrap around his legs. He found himself getting dragged through the dirt as he was hanged upside down on a tree branch. Tied by the feet, his face facing the ground. "Wha"

Shin blinked as he saw two little green girls standing before him. They stared at him with contempt, a look that described how happy they were that their plan worked. Oddly enough, they both looked familiar. How strange, green, control of plants, and they...Shin opened his mouth as he was about to speak but was suddenly interrupted by groaning.

X got up, shaking off the rubble that fell on her. Her clothing was somewhat tattered by the beams, but she appeared to have no injuries besides a few scratches. She looked at the two girls and Shin who was hanging on the tree. She smirked. "Seems like you girls got this handled." She walked over to the three. Patting the twins on the heads. She leaned down as she met eye-to-eye with Shin. Smiling. She stood back up. Wheeling her arm back she threw her fist at Shin.

Shin tried to react but everything had gone black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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